


2006-07-06 18:15:41 | ノンジャンル
I left Australia this morning.
It was hard, hard..the hardest time for me.
Dont make me cry Cla***chan!!

Now I'm writing this at Singapore airport where I wrote diary uning free internet about one year ago.
Like that time, I try to find something to do for 4 hour transit....there is no more energy to do shopping. Wanna sleep.

Anyway, I really wanna thank you guys who I met in Australia(esp those who saw me off early in the morning). Every single person I met there made my life richer!!(is this proper expression?)
Im gonna miss you heaps(already miss you!), so dont forget me!!

Im going back to Japan(=motherlaaaaand!). asondene Japan no minasan.

Oh, I think i should stop here now. took so much time to write....

c u soon!!