


2007-04-13 00:22:42 | 小旅行
Finally I went to Tokyo, the capital of Japanpenguin
The main purpose of this visit was to have job interview.
Buuuut i had another mission, or rather this was my actual purpose: To meet IH mates!!

Though I could stay there only for a short time, it was soooo nice to catch up with people. And I was happy to know they are well and funny as always.
Thanks sooooo much for meeting me, Mi*a-chan, Jen**, Mo*-chan, Ky*-chan and special thanks to No*-chan!
I also need to thank the company which gave me the opportunity to go there for free(!)

By the way...I experienced some small culture-shocks there. Though I already knew them, never get used to those...
・the position they stand on escalator
・standard Japanese(Chooo---)
・complicated train lines(worse than osaka)

I was afraid if i can survive in the City, but i could. because im GATty young. hehe
Next time i wanna stay longer and have to go sightseeingflag1