

pursuit of happYness

2007-08-25 00:00:51 | 日常
How do you get rid of your stress???

For me, sing, sing and sing.
Sometimes walk, walk and walk.
once in a while, watch movies and cry.

Yesterday, I went to Palcinema(again!) and watched two movies.
One is called "Dreamgirls", the other is "Pursuit of Happyness".
both were good but they weren't enough to cry to release my stress. I mean...

Dreamgirls was good to listen to(jennifer hudson's sining was really nice!) and Will Smith and his cute son moved me, but i wasn't cry.

After that, i walked there to Sannomiya station.(from shinkaichi)

And I sang a lot of songs today. guess my neighbours are annoyed. hehe

From tommorrow, i have three days off. For my society's overnight stay.
hope i can be refreshed.