


2008-02-27 00:19:01 | 日常
I think I REALLY need to go to Summer Sonic 08!! No matter where I will live..

I met T*m*m*-shi after one year or so.
It was very nice to catch up and talk so many stuff like....mainly Aussie and job-hunting with her .
Thanks so much T*m*m*-shi for contacting me!!

After that I worked. Because today was second the last day of working, they took me to Sushi restaurant (not rounding sushi, the real one with counter) for MAKANAI!!
It was yum yum yummmmy. I liked it so much. I also liked the atmosphere of the place. It was cozy.
R**-san said encouraging words to me, who's gonna be a working woman from April. Master showed me the right way of eating sushi.

I feel so happy to meet lot of nice people here in Kobe.
It's getting hard to leave here in a month!

by the way, happy birthday har*m*n!