


2008-03-15 23:14:44 | ぼやき
I'm back in Japan now.
My dreamy 2 week trip has ended. Now I'm facing with lots of work to do towards my new life. I have to get ready to move.
Even unpacking my suitscase is a bother for me, much more packing all my stuff in this room!!

2 week sounds long, but it was way too short.
Especially in Brisbane, there were lot more things I wanted to do.
But it was quite nice to visit there again, I could enjoy the atomosphere there. City Cat, Southbank, Great Court......even bush turkey looked lovable.
Of course, catching up with some awesome people was nice, too.
Finding some differences in IH was a bit sad for me. There were few ppl i know...
But things change. Ive wanted to go back to IH all the time, but its not the place, there should be people I know there!! I thought I understood this, but actually I didn't. Now I have many people i wanna see in all different places, which should be good.

I think I wrote too much about Brisbane here...A lot more happened in Bangkok and Melbourne. More adventurous and maybe exciting.
With all these, I still love Brisbane the best. aa, yappari modoritaina.