


2008-01-29 23:44:35 | ノンジャンル
I went to Uni for study today. I was going to prepare for KOUTOUSHIMON which is waiting day after tomorrow, but I couldn't sign in my Uni account! what the hell...I only got the data of thesis, so I couldnt read it at Uni.

I ended up going home. but, I looked in a bookshop on my way home, bought a book. After I came back home, I started to read.....

I wasn't gonna do this, but when I have something I should do, I find something else I wanna do. And they look more attractive than usual.

I also searched for some tickets as some people know...hehe


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Unknown ()
2008-01-31 18:01:01
その"they look more attractive than usual."ものすごわかる(笑)。
