

the Last Bara Khana

2006-06-07 22:05:48 | オーストラリア
I had the last Bara Khana.(formal dinner in IH)
The dish was OK. We watched funny video looking back on semester 1.
I got a leaving certificate, which made me realise "Im leaving soon".

when i went to Coles with N** chan beforer dinner, we looked back on when we first came here. We talked about when we missed going to REGATTA with new IHers because we didnt understand "G-lawn", a meeting place. we didnt even understand what "regatta" was, which later turned out to be the name of a pub & citycat stop.
It's funny, isnt it?
Compared to the first time, our english has improved(I wanna believe).
And now i think i mentally grew up.
when I first came here, I was afraid of everything and i didnt even wanna go out to kitchen. i dont know why..and i dont know when i got over this kind of feeling.
but now i like to get out of my room and find people who get bored(that's one of the mission of annoying-tai, hehe).
I still need more courage though....

Its a bit embarrassing to write these kinds of stuff here(cos now many people may read this blog). but i think this should be a good stuff to write.

Today's my gramma's birthday.
Happy B'day grandma!


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Unknown (ジョニー)
2006-06-09 05:59:39




