He's accompanied by Dato' Dr Farah Khan, President of The Melium Group, Paolo Fontanelli, International CEO of MCM and Joyce Cap, CEO of Pavilion KL.彼はダト博士ファラー·カーン、Meliumグループの社長、パオロFontanelli、MCMの国際最高経営責任者(CEO)とジョイスキャップ、パビリオンKLの最高経営責任者(CEO)を伴っています。
Photo opportunity
Rain's devout fans also made their way to see their idol. Some fans also brought banners to share with him. We love how dedicated his fans are!シャッターチャンス 雨の敬虔なファンはまた、それらの偶像を参照するには自分の道を作った。一部のファンは、また彼と一緒に共有するバナーをもたらした。私たちは、彼のファンがどのように専用のが大好き!
Malaysian celebrities were also on hand to witness the opening
Celebs like Marion Caunter, Awal Ashaari, Andrea Fonseka, Jojo and Atillia Haron were also excited to meet Rain.
The 2,563 square-feet store features a fresh design concept featuring a distinctive golden facade, clean lines with natural tones, inspired by MCM's signature brass plate designs.
Rain kept it simple in a casual outfit雨はカジュアルな服装でそれをシンプルに保つ
Did you know he was once voted MTV Style's Best Men's Fashion Award? His toned physique was covered with a simple sweater over a long white sleeve shirt, paired with trousers.あなたは、彼がかつていたMTVスタイルのベストメンズファッション賞に選ばご存知でしたか?彼の引き締まった体格はズボンと対になって長い白い長袖シャツの上シンプルなセーター、覆われていた。