Have a nice day.
You're beautiful about half century ago.
You're beautifuling everyday,everyone.
Let it be.
Are you O.K?
So you already alright.
But are you alright?
So you already alright.
Because are you alright?
So you already alright.
Let it be.
Chosikokimaros is masi.
I'm sorry.
Because Chosikokimaros is everyone,everyday.
I'm Yakuzuke,Bacazuke,Pagezuke,Bokezuke making on Yakuzuke,bacazuke,Pagezuke,Bokezuke.
You're Bacazuki?
You're humanity make-upartist?
Let it be.
You're not Kitigais.
You're Chosikokimaros.
You're name Chosikokimaroclub?
You're spirit Chosikokimaroclub?
You're name Chosikokimaroship?
You're spirit Chosikokimaroship?
You're name Chosikokimaroplayshow on Good human soulful?
You're spirit Chosikokimaroplayshow on Good human soulful?
You're name Chosikokimaroworks?
You're spirit Chosikokimaroworks?
You're name TeamChosikokimaro?
You're spirit TeamChosikokimaro?
You're name Be satisfaction Chosikokimaro?
You're spirit Be satisfaction Chosikokimaro?
Let it be.
What's going on!
Chosikokimaro for Chosikokimaro with mine.
Are Chosikokimaros alright?
Do you call Chosikokimaro for me?
Let it be.
You're Chosikokimaro・sapience.
Good night,Chosikokimaro・sapience.
Good-bye Good-bye,Chosikokimaro・sapience.
Let it be.
Chosikokimaro・sapience friendship gradually deepened.
Chosikokimaro・sapience partnership gradually deepened.
Chosikokimaro・sapience affectionship gradually deepened.
Chosikokimaro・sapience environmentship gradually deepened.
Chosikokimaro・sapience entertainmentship gradually deepened.
Let it be.
So long.
You're people.
You're human.
You're person.
All people.
All human.
All person.
Let it be.
You're beautiful Chosikokimaro・sapience.
You're wonderful Chosikokimaro・sapience.
Let it be.