
Straying Typhoon

Typhoon "Khanun" is now straying around Okinawa islands. It is also getting power and becoming more robust as time goes by.

I had no idea why super low-pressure air could resist high-pressure air around it and grow bigger and bigger against the law of physics. Probably it should have obtained energy from outside.

What kind of energy is it? Some meteorologists say it is thermal energy that comes from the hot temperature of the seawater. Is it true?

I can say "No". The answer is clear. The photo below shows the real power source and the energy transmission gears of Khanun in Jonan city of Okinawa. We have to understand we're living in an era where electric energy can manipulate the weather.

The information on the underground power sources that can supply electricity for the headquarter building of Okinawa Electric Power Company (OEPC) has already been opened in the article "The Power Sources for OEPC" (in Japanese).

The above sounds a little bit strange. Those underground power sources are installed for each power supply block and basically, we need no high-voltage power line for transmitting power established high from the ground.

For what purpose that power line is when we are supplied power from underground sources?

That is the answer.







※追記(8/4) この報道記事はブログで紹介した直後に削除されたようです。化石燃料価格の高騰が直接電気料金値上げの理由にならないことは、これまでに、北陸・沖縄・四国・中国の各電力会社本店の全てが、その電力源を地下原子力発電に100%依存していることでお分かりになったかと思います。




The Sun, The Moon and The Earth
Written on the ground of Jesus Christ
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