
百戦錬磨 もう百戦越えてますけど その先に何があるのか

【レバノン大爆発】 レストランとショッピングモール位置、煙の状態から今出せる範囲

2020-08-11 22:44:35 | 時事

そういやマクロン 少しおっさんみたくなってきたな 画像で。。
いや まだ若いって 若い

今回の事件で急に老けてきたら、また若作りできるだろ 見た目で判断する^^
んでプーチンもお出ましか あとイタリア首相って初めてだね
ジュゼッペと呼びにくい コンテで。


昨日久しぶり仙台行ったんだ 実は。
藤崎周辺 ブランド揃いなのな マクロン

大きいだろ?90億って。貸せと恐喝 借用書も恐喝 信じられないだろ?
当時の公がやってんだ その当時の公をかばってたのが国連と宮内庁だが。

ま 長く書くと肝心な事が駄目になるから飛ばす。
ドン・キホーテ行ったんだよ 定例パトロールなw ついでにアーケードを
エジプト人かな? いたな ああアフリカか中東系だなって感じの。
まあ 普段行かないけどな 街なかは。

I can do it from my file while I'm here.

レストランは最初なんだ そうでないと、あの動画撮影は起きてない
The restaurant is the first, otherwise that video shoot wouldn't have happened.
If there was an explosion before the shooting, they would have stopped filming itself and the smoke and sounds would have been shown from the beginning.
There was an earthquake at the location of the restaurant and the blast all at once. The windows were broken and the walls of the building were blown off.
The location of the mall is a few hundred meters away from the restaurant, but

ああ レバノン首相はディアブなのね。
Oh, and the Lebanese Prime Minister is a diab.

BBCだからイギリスか この動画。
モールのほうは、地鳴りや異臭・おかしな音や そういう話がないのかな?
これ 起きた後なんだよな 内容。いや それでも、情報の1つでいいんだけど
前兆なかったか 聞き取りできる?
The restaurant and the mall are 400 meters apart in a straight line.
It's BBC, so it's British. This video.
And the mall, has there been no rumbling, no unusual smells, no funny noises, no stories of that sort?
This is after it happened, right? Content. No. Still, it's a good piece of information.
Didn't you see any signs? Can you hear him?

Maybe the mall explosion is separate from the silo explosion? I'm just saying.
The explosion at the restaurant is not the same as the silo explosion.

これが今 一緒にされそうになってるかも。
This might be the one that's about to be put together.

そして上空に向かって煙が出てるの 一気に。
The mall location came up in a search that said that's where it's located, but if it's any other store, it's not located.
I'll review it again then, but as it stands, it's there.
And the mall location is by the silo, from the point of view of where the explosion happened.
That's where the silo would be in the way. If the silo is blocking it, it might not get a direct hit from the blast.
I can't do it.
The Japanese language is strange.
The big smoke was located by the silo, a few hundred meters away from the silo.
There's a mall. The silos could be blocking the blast, so the mall explosion could be
I'm wondering if it's different.
Also, in another photo and video, the smoke was coming from all over the place.
The silo fodder is a big smoke scale.
And all at once, towards the sky.

So by the time it comes out, the smoke is already coming from elsewhere.

目と鼻の先の高層ビルは何ともないんだよ ガラスや荷落ちとかあっても。
And there is an article that says that the impact was felt as far as the island of Cyprus, 200km away.
I'm sure there were all sorts of phenomena that I saw and felt the impact on.
The skyscrapers right under our noses are nothing to worry about, even if they have glass and cargo falling off.
They're probably using heavy steel, and they won't collapse easily. That's the local skyscraper.
Even if there were cracks in the wall material, or wall material busted through.
If there was ground subsidence, the building would be leaning and would need to be investigated.
The foundations in the inland areas of the bay line, in the high rise areas, must have been built pretty solid.
Don't let it collapse. If the foundations are sturdy, the roads that aren't done with foundations are not.
The bottom will be weak in this case. Furthermore, I don't have that foundation con and my assumptions about it.
I believe a sewer pipe or sewer line runs through there. The gas is moving into that route.

というか 水の音じゃないか?って当初書いたよ自分
The word "backflow" is the first word on the list, but the gas flows backwards through the sewer pipe.
More like the sound of water. That's what I initially wrote.

無色の結晶で、水に易溶。空気中で熱すると 120 °Cで分解を始め 357 °C でアンモニアを放って融解する 
It is a colorless crystal and easily soluble in water. When heated in air, it begins to decompose at 120 °C and melts at 357 °C, releasing ammonia.

水に溶けるんだ 硝酸アンモニウム!!!! 下水管の水に溶けてたの。
どうよ 欧州でビビるだろ これ
It's soluble in water. Ammonium nitrate! I found it in the sewer water.
What do you think, it's European and scary.

It may be used as a coolant or coolant because it causes an endothermic reaction when water is added.
吸熱するとあるけど、まず保管庫の硝酸アンモニウムは不純物だ 管理上においても。純粋な状態で考える訳にはいかない。あと、不純物になってる状態でガス発生してた。これは現地で「臭い!!」と言われてた話と合致する。
It says it's endothermic, but first of all, the ammonium nitrate in the vaults is an impurity, administratively speaking. It can't be considered in its pure form. Also, the gas was generated in an impure state. This is a local "stinker! That fits with what they said.

場所があまりないのに道路に沿ってる 爆発が。
There should be piping or an underpass under the road. It looks like they're doing a foundation conduit on the ocean side rather than the bay line.
There's not much room, but it's along the road. The explosion.
If it's sewage, I'd expect a manhole to fly out of a manhole or, you know, out of the building.
It's a good idea.


I don't know how it's being constructed.

So, for your information.

イギリスの先生か 参考にする。
内側の燃焼1000~1500トンなんだ? やっぱな 大がかりだって

English teacher. I'll take a look at it.
Inner combustion and outer water vapor cloud. 
That's 1,000 to 1,500 tons of internal combustion? I knew it! It's a big deal!
As I write.

2750トンの硝酸アンモニウムと火薬1000トンか つまり。
合わせたら、3750トンがあった計算だぞ? 最低でも。
2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate and 1,000 tons of gunpowder.
If you put it all together, you've got 3,750 tons of it. At the very least.

「非常に急激に冷却される 」

「 爆発はトリニトロトルエン(TNT)火薬換算で約1,000〜1,500トンに相当する 」

1000トンから1500トンなかったら、他所から火薬を持ってきてる計算だ どや!
By the way, did they have a powder warehouse there and put a thousand tons of explosives in there? I'm talking about.
If they don't have 1,000 to 1,500 tons, they're bringing in gunpowder from somewhere else.

もう寝る good night☆

ほら見つけた ミニ核だろと言ってたら当たってるだろ

2020-08-11 22:37:06 | 時事
ストロンチウム使ってたのか 花火の赤

放射線線量の一部だ ストロンチウム
なるほど かなりの爆薬仕掛けてあるんだ

ああ これ清書で 次に書くわ

www.ichikawa-sho.ed.jp › gakusyu › hanabi › zairyou
仕入れ方, 薬品会社から仕入れる。 材料の種類, 火薬、割薬、和紙、星 等. 花火の発色剤, ・赤→硝酸ストロンチウム ・緑→硝酸バリウム ・青→過塩素酸 ・カリウム ・黄色、シュウ酸ナトリウム ・銀、アルミニウム粉末の燃焼の色. 割薬の役割 ...

炎色反応 - 名古屋市科学館
www.ncsm.city.nagoya.jp › ... › キーワード【花火】
美しい花火の色は、炎色反応を利用したものです。一般的に赤色はストロンチウム化合物やカルシウム化合物、黄色はナトリウム化合物、緑色はバリウム化合物、青色は銅化合物が使われます。他の色はこれらを混ぜてつくります。 【炎色 ...


2020-08-11 00:40:40 | 時事
Are you waiting in the Lebanon area? The research is in France, right? I borrowed a Google map.

あちこちで爆発起きてるはずで、一箇所ずつ 割当していかないと駄目だろう
まず これ
There are explosions all over the place. We're gonna have to allocate them one by one.
First, this.

There's a blast coming from the building behind the couple.
You're good at Googling to get the name of the store to show up in a search.
That's how we got their location.

その店の所まで「ゴオー」と音がしてた 自分はそれが水の音のような気がする
地鳴りの「ゴオー」じゃないもんな 多分
その緑のラインのT字路の所で止まったんだな 水圧かガス圧か どっちかが。
窓がぶち抜ける前 地震起きてるから。
んで、そのT字路まで水圧かガス圧が通った証拠 痕跡が残ってないかどうか。
I heard a gurgling sound up to that store. I think it was the sound of water.
He wrote.
There's a road where I've drawn that red line, so I'm not sure if there's any buried piping under the road.
You can check it out.
It's not just the "gurgling" sound, it's also the earthquake.
It's not a rumbling "goo" of the earth, maybe.
And there's a big road a little bit further down the street from the store.
It's like a stopper.
You stopped at that green line T-junction, either water pressure or gas pressure.
The fact that you can feel the backflow element is that you got stopped at that T-junction and
If it's flowing backwards, it's going to blow through a store window.
It was an earthquake before the window went out.
And see if there's any evidence of water or gas pressure at that T-junction.

It's definitely through the pipes in the basement. If there's no plumbing, it's like an underground tunnel.
Because otherwise, we wouldn't have that course.

船で見えてる煙は、この写真 埠頭のほうだ たぶん。
地面まで揺れて。単に溶接と花火だけじゃないよ これ。
Well, that would mean that not only was this area of the city particularly hard hit, but there was an explosion at the back of the house when it entered.
There was a video that was taken in a hotel or apartment building somewhere. Preferably with the name of the building so I can get a sense of the location.
I watched a couple of videos that were taken from the boat. It's not so much about location as it is about checking the smoke.
I was trying to figure out where the smoke came out first, because I think that's where the couple was filming.
It was on the beach, not on the main road, and still on the land.
The smoke you see on the boat is from the pier in this photo.
So the ammonium nitrate gas went underground and made its way to the restaurant first?
Shake it to the ground. It's not just welding and fireworks, this.

もう寝る時間。出かけてたからね 仕方ないね。
It's not much, but that's it for now.
Time to go to bed. I was out. I didn't have a choice.