
百戦錬磨 もう百戦越えてますけど その先に何があるのか


2020-08-13 21:11:07 | 時事
No more corruption on Macron's side! is a condition of support/

In Lebanon, some public officials are scared of the investigation and some are retired / In Lebanon, some public officials are scared of the investigation.

I'll investigate the accident. 

So this is why the data isn't showing up.

マクロンは条件付き ああ条件付けたんだな?
I didn't write anything about money for support. 
Macron is conditional. Yeah, he has a conditional, right?

んじゃ あんまり考えてなかったけど、割と合ってる 歩調
Well, I wasn't really thinking about it, but it's a good pace.

だから出てこないんだよ ま、察してもいなかったけど無視して解明中w
So you're saying that the government's on the ground there is afraid to get to the bottom of the explosion?
That's why it's not coming out. Well, I didn't even guess it, but I'm ignoring it and figuring it out.

世界でこれ出来るの あたしだけなのね
I'm the only one in the world who can do this.
It's scary.

イスラエルってある意味 中東の関東連合みたいなもの?
現地じゃ疑ってるのね? 多くの人が。。
昔 似たパターンでレバノン攻撃やってしまってるから? 
Is Israel, in a sense, like the Kanto Union in the Middle East?
I just looked at the Lebanese Wikipedia, and it's a quick read on the case.
And for some reason it says that Israel is not involved.
Am I still in Israel? It doesn't say.
You don't think it's happening there, do you? A lot of people.
Because we used to follow a similar pattern in the past with the attack on Lebanon?

これ 1000年後だってイスラエルじゃないかと書かれるよ 絶対。
1000年後 人類が生きてたらの話
This will be written as if it's Israel even after 1000 years, I promise.
If humans are still alive in a thousand years.

Lebanon, whose president is a Maronite (Christian).
The prime minister is a Sunna (Muslim)
The president of the parliament is a Shia (Muslim)
It's this setting.

と言うか この役職も実際表向きな肩書で役に立つのかって話だけど。
And I just had a general resignation.
I mean, I'm not sure this position is actually useful with the title on the surface, either.

感じもするし、富裕層と利権組の腐敗がすごいから 債務危機が膨らんでる
Then the richest people in Lebanon would have emigrated to France and England and not been there.
It feels like, and the debt crisis is swelling because the corruption of the wealthy and interest groups is so great.

一部の連中がすごい持ってるんだ そことの調整できるか出しもしないで
Some of these people have a lot of money. Don't even give me a chance to see if I can reconcile with that.
But if I approached the Japanese Red Cross to raise money for the cause. The Japanese Red Cross itself is the Akihito family's
And it's a fundraising industrial unit. They do health care, but they're a fundraising industrial company.

そんでな 大昔より中東人多く日本に入ってるから募金してって宣伝しても
There are more Middle Easterners in Japan than in the past, so even if you advertise to raise money for the cause.
You think they'll let those people out? We have people who know what's going on there.

汚職がひどすぎるって まあ雰囲気でわかるよ。
Well, I can tell from the atmosphere that the corruption is too much.
Bribes are going around and around.
If we're going to do it right, it's a war to destroy corruption.
This is a war, you know.

あと中間管理職で公の管轄だったはず 現地の環境調査って。
賄賂もらってやってなかっただろ たぶん
賄賂かな 脅迫かな わからないけど。。。
I don't know the public mechanisms in the Middle East area, but the people who resigned en masse at this time.
Did you quit with your severance package?
Also, it was a middle-management position, which means it was public property. A local environmental review.
You weren't bribed to do it, I'm sure.
Maybe it's a bribe, maybe it's blackmail, I don't know.

The explosion at the bomb's source was largely on the side of the silo, but there was a lot of smoke coming from various locations before that time.
I thought you were out.

こういう細かい事 出来ないの? あのウィキペディアの書き込みは当然
Can't you do this kind of detail? That Wikipedia entry, of course.
That's not the Bible, because that looks like what the Israelis are writing about, and that's not the Bible.
to write over here. It's the military or the public that wants to get it over with.
How many times do you think I've fought my way through a military incident?

実行犯は捕まっても そこにいたるまで、何人も経由されてる。
大元はどこ?ってなるには まあ簡単にいかない。
If he's caught, he was passed through a dozen different people before he got there.
Where's the big one? Well, it's not going to be easy.
It's like a corona infection.

それが1000~1500トンあったか 調べられるよな?
Has the story of the fireworks material being next to the warehouse where it exploded also disappeared?
We can find out if there were 1,000 to 1,500 tons of it, right?
And I've written about the underpass many times.

もう とっくに。
I'm sure they're not supposed to tell their respective managers or management companies that this would be a problem if they found out.
You already have.

The ammonium nitrate was in the flexible container. I don't know how many layers it was stacked on top of each other, probably because it was placed directly on the ground, so the rainwater would have seeped in and leaked its components with the rainwater! and
I wrote that last week. It seems that ammonium nitrate is soluble in water.

And how much of the raw materials of the fireworks were stored in what quantity? How do you store them?

Lebanon seems to be close to direct French control, so Macron has a condition to end corruption.
I'm not?

状況次第じゃマクロン支援しねーぞ? たぶん
I wouldn't support Macron under the right circumstances, would I? Maybe.

そういう状況下で日本赤十字に支援と言っても、マクロン納得出来ない状況で日本が金集めとかさ 駄目だろこれ。
It's not fair for Japan to offer support to the Japanese Red Cross when Macron is not happy with the situation.

マクロンが支援するとかの基準さ あたしにあんじゃねーの? これ
Isn't that my criteria for Macron's support? this

汚職役人は早いとこ 責任追及されない話題にしたいし、責任追及されない環境にしたい訳
The corrupt officials want to make sure it's a topic they won't be held accountable for as soon as possible, and they want to create an environment where they won't be held accountable.

But the people don't even do what they're supposed to do, because they're looking at public negligence, and they're looking at the wrong place to start.
Let's get this straight! You'd think, right?
And Macron's only condition is that we end corruption! I'm just saying.

レバノンのトンズラした人たち 状況見えた?
A bunch of displaced people in Lebanon. Did you get the lay of the land?

マクロンはレバノン庶民意見側に立ち 政府側のトンズラ組と公に条件つけて
Macron took the side of the Lebanese popular opinion and publicly conditioned himself with the government's tonsure group.
I'm just using that situation to further evaluate the situation.

たぶんな 国の3つ大元がキリスト教、イスラム教スンナ派、イスラム教シーア派いるけど、宗教対立より それぞれの派閥で汚職メンバーがいるはず。
なので、宗派の大元は出てきて喧騒したら さらに問題解決にならない。
There are three principal sects in the country, a Christian, a Sunni Muslim and a Shia Muslim, but each faction has to have its own corrupt members rather than religious conflicts.
So, if the sectarian overlords come out and bicker, it won't solve the problem even more.

あたしに基準合わせたら キツイぞ 細かいから
レバノン 金集めるの大変だな
If you're trying to meet my standards, it's gonna be tough. It's too detailed.
Lebanon, it's hard to raise money.

そんかわり 早速 下水道の蓋から煙吹き上がる動画見つけたわ
And instead, I found this video of smoke billowing out of a sewer cover.

まあ 当たってる
Well, you're right.

ガス 空気膨張?
硝酸アンモニウムの爆発衝撃波か それ以外の衝撃波か
これは発生した時間で合わせていくしかないんだよな 時間と位置
The building's foundation concrete shields the gas and air, so it comes out through the cavity. So it's blowing up in front of you.
Gas, air expansion?
Either an ammonium nitrate explosion shock wave or something else.
We'll just have to adjust this one by the time it occurs. Time and location.

映像データ ゴチャゴチャにしてきてわからなくされそうだけど
They're going to mess this up and make it difficult to understand.

湾岸より内陸部のほうで最初に爆発起きてるのに 触れてこないんだよな
They don't even mention that the first explosion happened inland rather than in the Gulf Coast.

今 レバノンの医療現場でコロナ感染拡がって医師や看護婦は大変なんだろう。そこに怪我人とか。
I'm sure the corona infection is spreading in the medical field in Lebanon right now, and the doctors and nurses are having a hard time. The injured people there and so on.

腐った死体がガスためて爆発したのと一緒 よくクジラとか爆発すんだろ
Like a decomposing corpse that exploded from the gas. You know, like a whale that explodes all the time.
The corrupt bureaucrats in Lebanon were rotting corpses.
And yet, if you take a ton of money with your retirement, you'll be pissed off in the medical field.

That's why the field videos keep coming up.
I can't wait for them to come up and check it out.

しかし デモ隊が暴れると証拠も消されるな
デモ隊の一部に やったメンバー紛れてるだろ
But when the protesters get out of control, they erase the evidence.
I'm sure some of those protesters are part of the same group that did it.