東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師ブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】

すぐに使える英語 (くしゃみをしたら・・・編)

2010-09-20 08:08:17 | すぐに使える英語 - 英語表現

本日は“すぐに使える英語 (くしゃみをしたら・・・編)”です。

前回の“すぐに使える英語 (カナダでの確認の表現 - eh?)”はこちら:



英語圏の国(カナダなど)では、公共の場でくしゃみをした人は"Excuse me"と一言、周囲の人に声をかけています。

また、くしゃみをすると誰からとともなく、"Bless you!"が聞こえてきます。

それに対してくしゃみをした人は"Thank you!"と返しています。

今からしっかり"Thank you!!"を練習しておきましょう!!


"If you think you're safe from thievery, think again. Most thefts occur within three miles of the victim's home. People often venture into the streets without giving their valuables a second thought. They leave things out in the open, where thieves can easily spot them. Items worth thousands of dollars can be stolen in a tenth of a second. So be thoughtful. Only you can thwart this terrible crime. Watch your things carefully. Thieves do. "

It's the last day of the long weekend.
Hopefully, you've taken some time to learn English!(even for short time)
Today's topic is "sneeze."
In Japanese, the sound of sneeze is like "cushion."
On the other hand, in English, the sound of it is like "achoooo!"
The sounds are different, and additionally, their actions after sneezing are remarkably different.
Let's see the examples below:
(In Japan)
A: (cushion)
B: (...ignoring)
(In Canada or some English-speaking countries)
A: (Achoo!) "Excuse me."
B: "Bless you!"
A: "Oh, thank you!"
In English-speaking country, there is a chance to communicate with others when you sneeze.
So, practice "thank you" especially "th" sound now!!
("th" sound is considered to be difficult to pronounce for Japanese)
"If you think you're safe from thievery, think again. Most thefts occur within three miles of the victim's home. People often venture into the streets without giving their valuables a second thought. They leave things out in the open, where thieves can easily spot them. Items worth thousands of dollars can be stolen in a tenth of a second. So be thoughtful. Only you can thwart this terrible crime. Watch your things carefully. Thieves do. "

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