本日は、“英語講師おすすめの映画 (英会話を学ぶのに役立つ一本)”です。
"Before Sunrise"と"Before Sunset"です。
"Before Sunrise"は1995年が舞台で、"Before Sunset"その9年後の2004年が舞台になっています。
この映画のユニークな点は、実際に主人公の2人(Ethan HawkeとJulie Delpy)も映画の設定同様に(9年後)、しっかりと9年間分の年を重ねているいう点です。
それではBefore Sunriseより今日の一言:"I always think that if I could just accept the fact that my life was supposed to be difficult, you know, that's what's to be expected, then, I might not get so pissed off about it, and I'd just be glad when something nice happens. "
Good morning, it's a national holiday!
When you have nothing to do day like today, why don't you watch movies?
Today, I recommend "Before Sunrise" & "Before Sunset"
They're drama films and the story of "Before Sunrise" is mostly in Vienna in 1995, and "Before Sunset" is in Paris in 2004.
This means there is a 9-year blank between the two movies.
The unique point of this movie is that the two main actors (Ethan Hawke&Julie Delpy) waited 9 years to shoot this movie.
Maybe that's why these two actors act very naturally in the film "Before Sunset."
Actually, in these 2 movies, technically, they walk and talk, and not much happens.
So, you can concentrate on their conversation & you can learn natural conversation through the film!!

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本日は、“英語講師おすすめの映画 (英会話を学ぶのに役立つ一本)”です。
"Before Sunrise"と"Before Sunset"です。
"Before Sunrise"は1995年が舞台で、"Before Sunset"その9年後の2004年が舞台になっています。
この映画のユニークな点は、実際に主人公の2人(Ethan HawkeとJulie Delpy)も映画の設定同様に(9年後)、しっかりと9年間分の年を重ねているいう点です。
それではBefore Sunriseより今日の一言:"I always think that if I could just accept the fact that my life was supposed to be difficult, you know, that's what's to be expected, then, I might not get so pissed off about it, and I'd just be glad when something nice happens. "
Good morning, it's a national holiday!
When you have nothing to do day like today, why don't you watch movies?
Today, I recommend "Before Sunrise" & "Before Sunset"
They're drama films and the story of "Before Sunrise" is mostly in Vienna in 1995, and "Before Sunset" is in Paris in 2004.
This means there is a 9-year blank between the two movies.
The unique point of this movie is that the two main actors (Ethan Hawke&Julie Delpy) waited 9 years to shoot this movie.
Maybe that's why these two actors act very naturally in the film "Before Sunset."
Actually, in these 2 movies, technically, they walk and talk, and not much happens.
So, you can concentrate on their conversation & you can learn natural conversation through the film!!

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