本日は“英語講師の留学経験 (トロントでの外食のすすめ)”です。
前回の“英語講師の留学経験 (トロントの便利な公共交通機関)”はこちら:

それでは今日の英語での一言:"Don't forget to leave some tip at a restaurant!"
Hi, how was your weekend?
Did you eat out during the weekend? (Actually, I did.)
Today, I'd like to talk about "Eating out in Toronto."
When you live abroad alone, needless to say, you have to take care of yourself, such as doing the laundry, cleaning, and cooking.
I usually did these household chores, but sometimes I didn't feel like cooking or I wanted to go out to eat with your friends, especially on Fridays.
The day like this I usually ate out with my friends.
One good thing in Toronto is that it's home to virtually all of the world's culture groups, so there are a wide variety of restaurants!!
We can try Greek/Chinese/Korean/Indian/Italian/Polish/Brazilian...etc in the downtown Toronto.
When I was there, one of my and my friends favorite dish was "Kamjattan" (Porkborn soup)
It was really resonable, and the portion was quite big!!
When you are hungry and don't want to cook, go to Korean town and order one for you!!
However, "Don't forget to leave some tip at a restaurant!"

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本日は“英語講師の留学経験 (トロントでの外食のすすめ)”です。
前回の“英語講師の留学経験 (トロントの便利な公共交通機関)”はこちら:

それでは今日の英語での一言:"Don't forget to leave some tip at a restaurant!"
Hi, how was your weekend?
Did you eat out during the weekend? (Actually, I did.)
Today, I'd like to talk about "Eating out in Toronto."
When you live abroad alone, needless to say, you have to take care of yourself, such as doing the laundry, cleaning, and cooking.
I usually did these household chores, but sometimes I didn't feel like cooking or I wanted to go out to eat with your friends, especially on Fridays.
The day like this I usually ate out with my friends.
One good thing in Toronto is that it's home to virtually all of the world's culture groups, so there are a wide variety of restaurants!!
We can try Greek/Chinese/Korean/Indian/Italian/Polish/Brazilian...etc in the downtown Toronto.
When I was there, one of my and my friends favorite dish was "Kamjattan" (Porkborn soup)
It was really resonable, and the portion was quite big!!
When you are hungry and don't want to cook, go to Korean town and order one for you!!
However, "Don't forget to leave some tip at a restaurant!"

クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します