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英語講師の留学経験 (トロントの便利な公共交通機関)

2010-09-22 08:13:40 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験

本日は“英語講師の留学経験 (トロントの便利な公共交通機関)”です。

前回の“英語講師の留学経験 (メジャーリーグ・トロントブルージェイズ 編)”はこちら:


トロント市内では、TTC(toronto transit commission)という会社が“地下鉄・バス・ストリートカー”を走らせています。



"Does this bus go to Union station?"(このバスはユニオンステーションに行きますか?)



Good morning.
Today, I'd like to talk about the transportation system in Toronto.
I can say that Toronto's transportation system which is operated by TTC (Toronto transit commission) is one of the best in Canada. (but not perfect though...)
TTC operates subway, bus, and street car all around the city.
The good points of TTC I personally think are...
・You can go anywhere at the same price of $3 (Sep, 2010)
・You can transfer, for example from bus to subway, subway to street car without any cost
In Japan, there is no system like this.
We have to pay each time we transfer.
Anyway, when you come from Japan, you might get to Toronto Pearson International Airport.
From there, if you use TTC, you can get your destination in Toronto at $3.
Though the subway is easy to get familiar with, the bus and the street car are a little bit complicated, so before you get lost, you should ask in English!!
e.g. "Does this bus go to Union station?"

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