それでは今日の英語の一言:"Set your goal and don't give up!"
How are you doing?
Today, I'd like to talk about English education at school in Japan as an English instructor.
Recently, I've read a series of columns about English education at school in Japan written by university professor, famous English instructor and so on in the Asahi Newspaper.
As I read some of their opinions on English education and I sometimes agreed to.
One opinion I agreed was by Ms. Kazuko Nakajima, who is a professor at Toronto Univ:
She says "It's important to teach English based on a consistent approach from kindergaten to university. Then, we should make a good environment for students to continue learning English, and they can be ready for the real world."
The other opinion is by Mr. Junichi Chida, who is a TOEIC expert:
He says "Universitiy entrance exam is far from pragmatic, so instead of using it, they should use TOEIC or some other practical tests because it'll be very beneficial for university students when they are ready for the real world."
Through my own experience, my basis of English is based on the standard English education (=translation method) in Japan and I wouldn't say that was wrong.
However, I wonder if there was a little more practical approach then.
Hopefully, the government makes a good curriculum for practical English with a vision "to make international people from Japan."
Also, this is the last but not the least, they educate English teachers more and more often and seriously.

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それでは今日の英語の一言:"Set your goal and don't give up!"
How are you doing?
Today, I'd like to talk about English education at school in Japan as an English instructor.
Recently, I've read a series of columns about English education at school in Japan written by university professor, famous English instructor and so on in the Asahi Newspaper.
As I read some of their opinions on English education and I sometimes agreed to.
One opinion I agreed was by Ms. Kazuko Nakajima, who is a professor at Toronto Univ:
She says "It's important to teach English based on a consistent approach from kindergaten to university. Then, we should make a good environment for students to continue learning English, and they can be ready for the real world."
The other opinion is by Mr. Junichi Chida, who is a TOEIC expert:
He says "Universitiy entrance exam is far from pragmatic, so instead of using it, they should use TOEIC or some other practical tests because it'll be very beneficial for university students when they are ready for the real world."
Through my own experience, my basis of English is based on the standard English education (=translation method) in Japan and I wouldn't say that was wrong.
However, I wonder if there was a little more practical approach then.
Hopefully, the government makes a good curriculum for practical English with a vision "to make international people from Japan."
Also, this is the last but not the least, they educate English teachers more and more often and seriously.

クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します