Good morning.
How was your vacation?
I hope you had a good time!
Today, I’d like to announce a free lesson which I’ve prepared for my English school.
Since I started preparing for my English school to get started, I’ve made quite a lot of lessons.
I just thought it would be a good opportunity to give a free lesson even though I haven’t decided the place for my English school yet.
The first free trial lesson is "TOEIC - Listening Part 1 lesson."
I'm sorry to say but there is not enough audio equipment for the TOEIC lesson right now, I can give the spots of TOEIC lesson to whoever contacted me first.
Here is the information about the free TOEIC lesson:
Location: Darts café, Figaro H-14 in Harajuku. (
Lesson fee: Free, but I’m sorry to say that your drink fee is charged. (e.g. coffee 450yen)
Length of the lesson: 90 minutes (60 minutes can be arranged upon your request)
Level: TOEIC 300~ (Basically, anyone who wants to try is welecome!!)
Date: May 14th (Sat)
Time: 3:30~4:30 OR 5:00 (*There might be some lessons between this free lesson, so please come on time!)
Style of the lesson: 1 to 1 (but it could be maximum 1 to 3)
Instructor: arata
So, if you are interested in taking a free TOEIC lesson and you have time on Saturday afternoon, please send e-mail with your name, your contact information from "Sending Message" on the right column!
What I just want to get from this free lesson is your evaluation after the lesson, so if you are interested, please contact a.s.a.p!!
本日は“英語学校設立に先駆けて英語学校で提供予定の無料体験レッスン第一弾 - TOEICテスト対策”です。
現在のところ、英語学校の設立場所は未定ですが、設立前の良い機会だと思い、少し原宿のダーツカフェFigaro H-14さんをお借りして無料のTOEIC(Listening Part 1)体験レッスンをしたいと思います。
なお、現在TOEIC Listening用の機材が十分でないこともあり、レッスンの受講は先着順にしたいと思います。
場所:Figaro Harajuku H-14 (
レッスン料金:無料(申し訳ございませんが、Figaroさんでのご自身のドリンク代をお願い致します:ドリンクの一例 - コーヒー450円)
レベル:TOEIC 300点台~(TOEICレッスンは点数アップだけでなく、本物の英語力アップ目指して作成しているので基本的にどなたでもwelcome!)
それでは今日の英語での一言:“It's never too late to try!!”
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します