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ビジネス関連の英語も学べる面白いコメディ映画"Envy - 隣りのリッチマン"で英語学習

2011-05-30 09:02:30 | English Plus英語レッスン受講生のためのレッスン復習トレーニング
Good morning, and I appreciate your visit!
Today, I’d like to introduce a movie in which two of my favorite actors are in.
*About the previous movie "Shallow Hal" which I introduced in this blog, click here:
This past weekend, I met some of my friends whom I met in Canada, and in the conversation, there was a topic of movies.
That conversation reminds me of a film "Envy" that I'd like to introduce today.
"Envy" is an American comedy film in 2004.
It stars Ben Stiller and Jack Black, who are two of my favorite actors since they are very funny.
The good points of this movie are...
・The story is easy to understand and English is easy to hear since English spoken in this movie is quite clear.
・You can watch this movie as a comedy and can enjoy.
・You can pick up some business related English from this movie.
When you are interested in this movie, click the movie trailer below and check it out!


本日は“ビジネス関連の英語も学べる面白いコメディ映画"Envy - 隣りのリッチマン"で英語学習”です。

*前回の英語講師おすすめの映画“恋愛に関する英語表現が学べるラブコメディ映画Shallow Hal (愛しのローズマリー)で英語学習”はこちら:




この映画にはアメリカのコメディ映画を代表する、とても面白い2人の俳優Jack BlackとBen Stillerが共演しています。




それでは今日の英語での一言:"Shake things up!"

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