Good morning and thanks a lot to check out English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to write about what I am doing during this holiday season.
Yesterday, I waxed the floor of English Plus cafe.
The last time I waxed the floor was about half a year ago and I remember it took about 4 hours to do so.
However, this time it didn't take that long and the floor became very beautiful!
There are some other things to do during this holiday, so I'm going to take care of them one by one!
During waxing the floor
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
本日は“English Plus 連休明けスタートの準備 - その1.フロアのワックスがけ”です。
昨日は少し時間があったのでEnglish Plusカフェのワックスがけをしました。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's get started!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!
Today, I'd like to write about what I am doing during this holiday season.
Yesterday, I waxed the floor of English Plus cafe.
The last time I waxed the floor was about half a year ago and I remember it took about 4 hours to do so.
However, this time it didn't take that long and the floor became very beautiful!
There are some other things to do during this holiday, so I'm going to take care of them one by one!
During waxing the floor
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
本日は“English Plus 連休明けスタートの準備 - その1.フロアのワックスがけ”です。
昨日は少し時間があったのでEnglish Plusカフェのワックスがけをしました。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's get started!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!