While so many tragedies occurred, we in Tokyo heard about some of them on the news but did nothing. There are many women who have become victims in the shadow of our peace.
And the perpetrators of such crimes are probably living happily in the United States.
We deeply apologize to those who were living in Okinawa at that time.
We would appreciate it if you could spread the word and help us to prevent such tragedies from happening again.
※日本語でご覧になりたい方は➔沖縄 戦後の悲劇 2
March 26, 1945
The US military landed in Zamami Village for the first time during the Battle of Okinawa. A few months later, a rape incident occurred by a US soldier. The woman was abducted, taken by boat, raped on the back beach, and left there. ..unknown. After the US military landed, rapes became frequent, and vigilante groups were formed by residents in each area.
From this month onwards, mixed race children are born to women in Okinawa. (10 months after the landing on Okinawa Island)
March 10, 1946
A 30-year-old woman was abducted and raped by three American soldiers while working in the fields. In December, she gave birth to a boy. The previous year, her older sister was also attempted to be abducted by American soldiers while sleeping immediately after giving birth, but the attempt was foiled due to a commotion from residents (Gushikawa Village)... Unknown.
July 26, 1946
A 34-year-old woman went to the river to do laundry and went missing. Her body was found on August 1, but a rag was stuffed in her mouth and she was found in an area off-limits to residents, so it was presumed that she had been raped and murdered by American soldiers (Chatan Village)... Unknown.
August 30, 1946
A 24-year-old woman was captured by an American soldier while loading potatoes and resisted when he tried to rape her. She was stabbed with a knife and suffered serious injuries. A commotion from several men allowed the American soldier to escape (Gushikawa Village)... Unknown.
October 1946: A 39-year-old woman was working in the fields when she was taken into the mountains by three American soldiers and raped (Gushikawa Village)... unknown.
The dormitory of Chubu Agricultural and Forestry High School is destroyed by a typhoon, and a female high school student staying in a private home is raped by an American soldier who is an acquaintance of the landlord. The landlord is stabbed with a knife when he tries to help her (Gushikawa Village)... Unknown.
August 1948
A woman is abducted by a group of Filipino soldiers. Two local men go to rescue her, one of whom is killed and the other injured... Unknown.
Around this time, American soldiers appeared day and night at private homes around the base, wandering around calling women by their names in broken Japanese. (Central Okinawa Island)
September 14, 1949
A 9-month-old baby is raped by a US soldier... Unknown.
Mixed race population: 450 (94 in Naha, 50 in Maebara, 73 in Koza, etc.)
Time magazine (11/28/1949) states that US soldiers stationed in Okinawa "committed 18 crimes in the six months up to September, using the US military as a dumping ground for the untalented and outcasts." (Excerpt)
December 1949
A 17-year-old woman working as a maid for a US military unit was raped by a US soldier in the soldiers' barracks and gave birth to a mixed race baby girl the following year. (Gushikawa Village) ... Unknown
76 cases of rape and fatal injuries of Okinawan residents by US soldiers from the landing in 1945 to this year (4 rapes resulting in deaths, 7 deaths from falling from cars or cliffs due to fear of abduction) - those that were made public.
February 17, 1950
Around 11 p.m., two women returning from a theater performance in Naha City were threatened with a carbine by American soldiers and taken away; one woman was raped by six American soldiers and the other by eight. The reasons are unknown.
July 5, 1951
A Filipino soldier breaks into a private home and fires a pistol. A housewife is captured and raped (Gushikawa Village)... Unknown.
The Korean War broke out that year, and construction of US military bases in Okinawa reached its peak. Okinawa became a launching point for Korea, and US soldiers flooded the area. There were 278 rape cases in the six years after the war (rapes occurred almost every week).
March 25, 1952
A US soldier pretends to be a soldier and enters a private home in Naha City, raping a 21-year-old woman. He returns an hour later, beats the woman as she tries to flee, and rapes her again. The US soldier is from an engineering unit... Unknown.
September 3, 1955
Yumiko Nagayama (age 6) is abducted, raped, and brutally murdered by a US soldier from the Kadena Anti-Aircraft Battery (Ishikawa City)... Death sentence commuted to hard labor.
September 9, 1956
A 9-year-old girl was raped and abducted by a Marine Corps private while asleep, sustaining serious injuries (Gushikawa Village)... Life sentence
September 23, 1956
A hostess in a drinking district was brutally murdered by a Marine Corps corporal. It was said to be the crime of a perverted sexual pervert (Ginowan Village)... 8 years in prison
March 17, 1959
A 20-year-old housemaid was raped by a private near the Naha Air Base... 10 years in prison, stripped of her civilian status.
October 28, 1959
A 22-year-old hostess was raped and strangled to death by a US soldier. Her body was found naked (Koza City)... 3 years in prison.
July 11, 1961
A 47-year-old hostess was killed by a 19-year-old Marine who had deserted his unit... One arrested received life imprisonment.
July 3, 1963
A 22-year-old hostess is brutally murdered by a corporal from the Naha Air Group. In revenge for being dumped... unknown.
October 1, 1963
A 20-year-old hostess is dragged out into a field by two U.S. soldiers from Camp Schwab and raped. The perpetrator is arrested red-handed by an MP (Kushi Village)... unknown.
January 24, 1965
A 28-year-old female hostess is murdered in her own home. She is investigated as a suspect by a U.S. soldier (Kin Village)... unknown.
July 21, 1966
A 31-year-old hostess on her way home was raped and murdered by an American soldier, and her naked body was found in a sewer (Kin Town)...unidentified.
January 24, 1967
A 32-year-old hostess was strangled to death by an 18-year-old Marine and found naked (Kin Town)...sentenced to 35 years of hard labor.
April 2, 1967
A 34-year-old hostess was raped and strangled to death by an American soldier (Koza City)...unknown
November 20, 1967
A 20-year-old hostess was hit in the head with a hammer by an American soldier while asleep at home and died (Kin Town)...unidentified.
This year, there were a series of robberies and murders of hostesses by soldiers returning from the Vietnam War. Around this time, it was said that women going to the bathroom alone in bars catering to American soldiers was a suicidal act.
March 29, 1968
A 35-year-old maid working at a US military facility in Urasoe Village was killed by an American female teacher working at the same facility. The US military allowed her to return to the country.
May 19, 1968
A 52-year-old housewife was raped and murdered by a corporal from a missile base on the street in front of her house (Yomitan Village). Arrested by the prefectural police and sentenced to life imprisonment.
June 20, 1968
A 23-year-old hostess was raped by a Marine MP. She was then beaten with a handgun and left in critical condition. (Ginoza Village). Arrest date unknown.
February 22, 1969
A 21-year-old hostess was strangled to death by a private from an artillery regiment and found naked (Koza City). Arrest date unknown.
March 3, 1969
A 20-year-old hostess was found dead. Autopsy results determined that the crime was committed by a US soldier (Naha City) ... Unsolved
November 21, 1969
A 25-year-old woman was raped by a corporal on the street on her way home from a part-time job. When she resisted, he cut her with a knife (Naha City) Two months' salary
May 28, 1970
A 21-year-old military woman on her way to work is attacked by a US soldier. (Urasoe Village) - insufficient evidence
May 30, 1970
A female high school student is attacked by a sergeant on her way home from school, stabbing her repeatedly in the stomach, head, etc. The intention is to rape her, but the commotion causes an unsuccessful attempt. Arrested after protests from the teachers' association, women's groups, and high school students (Gushikawa City) - 3 years in prison with hard labor.
June 1970
A woman who runs a bar is raped by a US soldier who climbs behind the counter. She sustains serious injuries to her legs and neck during the incident and is unable to work - transferred during the trial.
April 23, 1971
The naked body of a 22-year-old female hostess is found in a cemetery. A Marine corporal is arrested based on witness testimony. (Ginowan City) - Innocent due to insufficient evidence.
May 1, 1971
A 41-year-old woman is stabbed to death by a Marine Corps private with a screwdriver. Arrested based on evidence such as fingerprints and blood type from body fluids (Kin Town) - Unknown, denies the allegation.
May 21, 1971
A female junior high school student is raped by a US soldier (Koza City) - Perpetrator unknown.
May 23, 1971
A hostess is taken to an abandoned house by a US soldier on her way to work and raped (Koza City) - Unidentified.
July 10, 1971
Three US soldiers gang-rape a 12-year-old mentally retarded boy playing in front of his house (Ginowan City) - Unknown after arrest.
August 4, 1971
A 37-year-old hostess was raped and strangled to death by a private (Ginowan City) - life imprisonment.
December 1, 1971
A 22-year-old sauna hostess was raped by a Marine private and strangled to death with a chemise string (Koza City) - life imprisonment.
April 10, 1972
An Army sergeant murders a 25-year-old hostess. Throwing it down a drain (next to Awase Golf Course) - 18 years imprisonment
March 18, 1973
A 42-year-old hostess was found naked and strangled to death. The blood type and fingerprints of a soldier from the Second Brigade matched those at the scene, but there was no physical evidence, making it impossible to arrest him. Despite the local police's request to the US military, the suspect was discharged two months later and returned to his home country - (Koza City) Unsolved。
May 8, 1974
A 17-year-old girl walking along a farm road with her uncle was stripped naked and gang-raped by three US boy soldiers. The crime was committed while the uncle was beaten and unconscious, and the perpetrator was identified after the uncle reported it (Kin Town)... unknown
April 19, 1975
A private from Camp Hansen beat two junior high school girls who were at the beach with a stone, knocking them unconscious and then raping them. The US military refused to hand over the suspect, but after protests from local residents and the prefectural assembly, they handed him over to the local police (Kin Town)...6 years imprisonment .
August 1, 1982
A 33-year-old female hostess was strangled to death by a corporal in a room under construction. She resisted when he tried to rape her, and he killed her (Nago City)... 13 years imprisonment.
September 30.1984
A 19-year-old female US private was raped by a private first class and burned her car to death (Ginowan City)... 13 years imprisonment.
ーーーContinued in Okinawa Postwar Tragedy 2ーーー