TLEAいのちの冠福岡教会のHot News ☆ Church's news



2012-08-03 23:13:14 | 

One of participants in this Hakuba Camp suffered from stomatitis and was healed from stomatitis while the word of wisdom and knowledge through the Spirit,”Healing of stomatitis was performed” was mentioned at the time of ministry in the opening meeting of the camp. We give thanks to the Lord for His performance of healing.

A photo is time of praise at Hakuba Camp.

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ホームページを見て Watching Homepage

2012-08-03 23:05:40 | インターネット

Yesterday, I got a call from an alumnus who was my high school day's. I was glad that it has been more than 20 years since I saw him last.
I thanks God that our homepage is working effectively. Internet is convenient for searching of everything. (K)

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水泳女子・平泳ぎ Swiming Women's Breaststroke

2012-08-03 18:23:18 | 今日のできごと

Satori Suzuki, who is from Onga, Fukuoka Prephecture won a bronze medal at women's breaststroke 100m race at Olimpic game, also she won a silver medal in 200m being a close second against Soni who has world record.
She did great work! I'm expecting her at 400m relay, too.
A photo is Suzuki, who smiles with a silver medal.
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飯塚聖会 Iizuka Holy Meeting

2012-08-03 16:49:33 | 集会のお知らせ

飯塚カリスマ聖会&預言セミナー Iizuka Charisma Meeting & Seminar of prophecy
日時:8月4日(土). Date: Sat, 4th Aug.
13:30~14:00預言セミナー. seminar of prophecy 13:30-14:00
14:10~16:30 カリスマ聖会. Charisma meeting 14:10-16:30
会場 飯塚研究開発センター 研修会議室21号. Place: Iizuka Research and Development Center
Study and training room #21
講師 イザヤ木原真牧師/イスラエル小須田恵牧師 Pastors: Isaiah Makoto Kihara, Israel Megumi Kosuda
連絡 TEL(FAX) 0948-965-1214(出西). Contact: Tel & Fax 0948-965-1214 (Denishi)
A photo is time of praise at a Holy meeting.
Tomorrow there will be a Holy meeting in Iizuka. Everyone is invited.

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2012-08-03 16:43:46 | J-ゴスペル
Missionary Zion Ouko Mutale , who was sent to Zambia, is to sing praises to God before two thousand people on Friday, August 3, since she was invited to the conference of OM ( a Mission Organization) where people gather from all of nations in the world. Now, she suffers from cold and has troubles with her nose and throat. We ask you to pray that she could be healed and sing God’s willing praises to God.

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アクセスランキング Access Ranking

2012-08-03 16:27:44 | ブログ

閲覧数 1051 PV  訪問者数 226 IP  ランキング 4655 位 / 1746729ブログ
Yesterday, number of viewer of this blog was over 1,000. I thank everyone who visits this blog.
May God bless you who visit this richly!
A photo is at Hakuba Camp. Enjoy this cool air.

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2012-08-03 16:16:17 | 今日のみことば
イエスは答えて言われた。「この水を飲む者はだれでも、また渇きます。しかし、わたしが与える水を飲む者はだれでも、決して渇くことがありません。わたしが与える水は、その人のうちで泉となり、永遠のいのちへの水がわき出ます。」 ヨハネの福音書4章13~14節
Jesus answered and said to her, "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the watwe that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water spring up into everlasting life." John 4:13-14

A photo is at Hakuba.

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