Up the Creek(苦境に立たされて)
Me Hey Dali! Would you suggest an English idiom that describes me?私 ねえダリちゃん! 僕を描写する英語のイデ...

Nuts About Something(~が大好き)
As always, Dali and Ina-chan are having a good time at an izakaya.At the moment, Enka is b...

As Cool as a Cucumber(落ち着き払っている)
Dali Ina-chan! Do you like cucumbers? ダリちゃん イナちゃん! キュウリは好き?Me Yes! I like Kyuuri-no-ittu...

I Hate Kissatens(喫茶店が大嫌い)
Dali Hey, Ina-chan! Do you like going to kissatens?ダリちゃん おい、イナちゃん! 喫茶店に行くのが好き?...

Who is Ayu?(鮎って誰?)
Me Hey Dali! How is your wife? 私 ねえダリちゃん! 奥さん元気?Dali You mean my ex-wi...

Freezing One’s Buns Off(とても寒い)
Dali Hey Ina-chan! You are wearing only two layers of clothing today. Don’t you feel col...

The Same Commercial Twice in a Row(2回繰り返される同じコマーシャル)
Dali I’m confused.ダリちゃん 混乱してるんだ Me About what?私 何に? Dali A unique...

Fried Cheese(チーズフライ)
Dali Some izakayas have cheese on the menu, like maybe cheese tempura. Have you heard of...

Win by a Landslide(地滑り的勝利)
Me Hey Dali! I’m on cloud nine! Hanshin defeated Orix yesterday. They won by a landslide...

Americans and Cheese(アメリカ人とチーズ)
Dali In some specialty shops, you can find some good blue cheese.ダリちゃん ある専門店では、良質のブルーチーズ...