
英語なんて怖くない ダリちゃんの居酒屋英語教室

Strawberries in Summer(夏のイチゴ)

Dali Today, let’s talk about strawberries.
ダリちゃん 今日はイチゴについて話そうよ。

Me   Strawberries? It’s summer now. Why now? Strawberry season has passed. No! Tell me about it next spring.
 イチゴ? 今は夏だよ。なぜ今更イチゴなの? イチゴの季節は終わったよ。なし! また来年の春になったら聞かせてよ。

Dali Is strawberry season spring? Why spring? After you hear my story, you will understand why I think this is a good topic now. As you know, watermelon season is summer because summer is the season when watermelons ripen. They are still green and small in March, April, and May.
ダリちゃん イチゴの季節は春だって? なぜ春なの? わしの話を聞けば、なぜわしが今これがいい話の題材だと思っているのかわかるよ。あのね、スイカの季節は夏だよね。なぜって夏にスイカが熟すから。3月や4月、5月には、スイカはまだ小さくて青臭いね。

Me   So?

Dali   This I know for a fact: When I was living in my home country, there was a very big strawberry farm. It was an interesting business. They didn’t pick the strawberries themselves. Rather, the business allowed customers to come in and pick their own strawberries. They guide us to one area of the patch and say something like, “You can pick strawberries in this row, this row, and this row.” So, we pick our strawberries and are free to choose our preferred size and color. Before we go home, they weigh the strawberries, and give us the price. We get a good price because we pick them ourselves. The season was mid-summer. Summer. Just like watermelon. Strawberries ripen in summer. So why is spring the season for strawberries in Japan? That’s my question.
ダリちゃん このことは事実だけど、わしが母国に住んでいたころ、とても大きなイチゴ農園があってね、面白いビジネスをしてたんだ。彼らは自分たちでイチゴを摘まないんだ。そうじゃなくて、お客さんに入ってもらって、お客さん自身でイチゴを摘んでもらうビジネスだったんだ。彼らはわしらを一区画のある場所に案内してくれて「この列とこの列とこの列でイチゴを摘んでください」なんかと言う。それでわしらはイチゴを摘んで好きな大きさや色を自由に選べる。家に帰る前に、彼らはイチゴの重さを測って、値段を教えてくれる。わしらが自分で摘んだので、手ごろな値段だ。季節は真夏。夏なんだ。ちょうどスイカと同じ。イチゴは夏に熟すんだ。それでなぜ日本ではイチゴの季節が春なんだろう? これがわしの疑問。

Me   You liar!

Dali   Why is the strawberry season in Japan spring? Strawberries are a summer fruit. This is an utter mystery to me. In New York, strawberry season is summer. I know it’s summer, because I picked them in summer. Also, in my childhood, we had a small garden where we grew tomatoes, cucumbers, and also strawberries. Strawberries are easy to grow. Strawberries become delicious, red, and ripe in summer!! So how can it be that, in Japan, strawberry season is spring? I am utterly baffled.
ダリちゃん なぜ、日本ではイチゴの季節は春なんだろう? イチゴは夏の果物。わしには全くの謎。ニューヨークではイチゴの季節は夏。夏だと知っている。だってわしらは夏にイチゴを摘んだもん。それにわしが子供の頃は小さい菜園を持っていて、トマト、キュウリ、それにイチゴを育てていた。イチゴは育て易いんだよ。イチゴは、夏においしく赤く熟するんだよ。だからね、何で日本ではイチゴの季節は春なんだ? わけわかんないね。

Key Words (キーワード)
ripen: 熟する、熟れる、実る
patch: (耕作した)小地面、一区画
baffle: 困惑させる、当惑させる、まごつかせる

Comments (コメント)
The answer is simply that the variety of strawberries in America is different from that of Japan. Another example of this is the oyster. In Japan, oyster season is usually winter. (I’m talking about the Pacific oyster.) But for another variety, known as “Iwagaki” (Crassostrea nippona), the season is summer. This is analogous to the case of the strawberry.






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