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ノーモア毒ちん ードクター・マーコラのサイトから引用 #1

2021-09-19 21:20:39 | 知ることから始めよう!大コロナ計画の裏側


Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Welcome, everyone. This is Dr. Mercola helping you take control of your health. Today, we are joined by a repeat guest, Dr. Peter Breggin, who is most known for his work in psychiatry. He is a pioneer in the efforts of removing one of the most barbaric interventions ever developed in modern medical history, which is lobotomies.
He's pivoted and transitioned, because like most of us who are interested in serving the people with authentic information that's going to move them towards health and keep them healthy, there really aren't many other practical strategies you can pivot to in this last year or two because of what's happened. He's written a new book about COVID-19, so we're going to dialogue about that book today. Welcome and thank you for joining us today.
Dr. Peter Breggin:
Oh, it's just great to see you, Dr. Mercola. We admire your work, and we're fond of you, and delighted to be with you. I mean, my background person you were just chatting with, my wife Ginger, we're delighted to be working with you.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah, yeah. It's great to connect also with you, and so glad you have moved your direction and interest to documenting the craziness of what's been happening with COVID-19. I'm going to pretty much let you lead with what you'd like to emphasize, because we could literally talk for 10 hours, and then only cover a small fraction of what we could cover.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
I have one personal curiosity, because there are very few people qualified in the field as you are as to the underlying mechanism that allowed this wackiness to develop, which in my view, seems to be the most effective propaganda campaign in the history of humanity. Nothing, nothing, nothing has come close.
I've seen some really clever analytics on this, and the strong suggestion that, thanks to the effectiveness of this propaganda campaign, we have effectively created a mass psychosis, a mass psychosis for 50% of the people. People who are normally rational, and can think clearly, and they have good judgment have just lost this capacity and just been won over by this propaganda campaign.
I'm wondering if at least you can open on this and address this component because, to me, it's one of the most central cores of this and really guides our strategies. Because literally, you can try to or seek to offer people who are in this psychosis the most logical, rational data and they will refuse to believe it. It's like literally talking to a brick wall. I think understanding the basis of this will really help people at least save some of their energy, I believe.
Dr. Peter Breggin:
Well, there are two parts to it, or two different approaches to it. One is, who is doing it? It's extremely important to get over what is, essentially, this attempt to make us all helpless, obedient and docile, we have to know, who are the masters driving this? On the other hand, we have to understand the mechanisms for this, what is essentially a Reign of Terror. It's a subtle Reign of Terror, which takes us back to the first real giant progressive revolution, which was simultaneous with the formation of our country. We had the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror as an opposing kind of revolution, a destructive revolution compared to our constructive revolution for freedom, that was a revolution for domination, destruction, flattening, and that's basically what we're looking at. We're looking at a revolution against us that wants to make us feel helpless, like children again.
There's an analogy in psychotherapy. In psychotherapy, we often see people who have been terribly, terribly abused by their parents, but they cannot face it, they can't understand it. They can't identify it as evil. They can't say that, "It was evil for my father to sexually abuse me. It was evil for my mother to participate and go along with it." It was evil in the extreme, when you see people who have been ritually abused, for this to take place where families were getting together and abusing their children and doing it in a ritual fashion.

For the outsider, often it's impossible to even believe this takes place because we human beings, we just can't bear to look at evil. We can't bear to think that there are people out to harm us and manipulate us. We can't bear to think there are people different from us, people who actually take pleasure from injury and domination, literally pleasure from it, the way we might from a hug or – well, I'm not actually comparing them but from the pleasures we would take, which are peaceful and loving.

I want to identify first, who are these people? Who's doing this to us? It's time to face it and to get rid of the idea that this is chance, or this is crazy, or this is bizarre, or this makes no sense. How does it make sense that they're absolutely ignoring the fact that in America now, we have over 13,000 reports of death, to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), from the vaccine and no one is investigating, and no one's doing anything. In the years before this, if all the vaccines together had 200 deaths it would be a catastrophe, and if one vaccine had more than 20 or 30, and certainly over 100 it would be a catastrophe. Now we have a vaccine that has more deaths than all the vaccines ever put together, so how can we ignore that?

Then on the other hand, we get all these huge numbers of deaths from COVID, and they're falsified by many ways that I'm sure you've discussed on-air and in your book. We look at this situation, and is that crazy? Well, no. That makes perfect sense if you're trying to intimidate and overwhelm a population. You exaggerate the danger that's out there, the terror. You take a flu- like illness that is safer than the flu in terms of how it spares children and young adults, and attacks people, on average, my age. I'm 85. That's kind of the average of the age of the deaths of people, killing people who are already past their predicted lifespan.

You take this relatively benign epidemic, if you want to even call it that, and make it into the horror show by exaggerating everything. Then if you think, "Well, what is their goal? What are they really getting out of this? They don't want any early treatments at all," so I'm going to try to make it rational for folks. What's their goal if they don't want early treatments? Why would they suppress early treatments? We have ivermectin, we have hydroxychloroquine. It's somewhat complicated, but easy for an experienced physician, or a nurse practitioner, or even a layperson who's educated. Mostly a good physician or a practitioner of some sort, who could treat people and save millions of people, if there are millions, and certainly save thousands and hundreds of thousands with simple treatment, why would you stop that?

Well, you're already exaggerating the deaths, and you're already minimizing the harm caused by the vaccine, so could this be, at the start, all about the vaccines? The way I put it is that the spike protein is the spearhead of an assault on humanity that has nothing to do with COVID-19 whatsoever but is planned, through COVID-19, in order to vastly increase the wealth of numerous institutions, numerous individuals of many, many different stripes but many of them, unfortunately, originating from America, who are working in collaboration with the Chinese Communist Party, as the book demonstrates painfully, accurately, to increase this vast exploitation of the world.

Now, why is America hit so hard? Why is Canada being so humiliated? Why is Great Britain being so humiliated? Why is Australia? Why are the seats of liberty under the most attack from COVID-19? Well, the Chinese have been sinking their teeth into us for a long, long time because we are the seat of liberty, and Israel too, of course, as an ally. We are the seat of liberty in this world. We are the only country that was formed on the basis, not of making its citizens helpless and under the monarchy or totalitarian powers, but to liberate people.

Government was there to enforce the protection of people's liberties as a primary purpose, so the Declaration of Independence, which is like a preamble to the Constitution. It all begins to make sense. Now, why are people in Africa doing better, and India now has gotten out of a big jam using ivermectin? Well, because the forces are most locked into those of us who are now free, and they're aiming to destroy us. Now, this is terrifying, folks, but it shouldn't make you anxious, afraid, guilty, ashamed, helpless. It should arouse you to look with reason at what in the world is happening in the world.

Now, I can track for you exactly how this evolved in recent times. It has in ancient history. I mean since Caesar, and Genghis Khan, and African tribes that dominated Africa, the Inca Empire that dominated much of America when the Spanish got here. There's always been this tendency to keep people in thralldom, once we got into villages and cities. Not when we were hunter-gatherers. Couldn't be done. We were independent people, independent families, hunting and gathering, but once we got together, very vulnerable, having somebody become a chief or take over, very vulnerable to that, and we often invited it as we do now.

What's happening to us now, another important point, is not new and unexpected and never heard of. It has how humanity has always lived, in thralldom, since we've been in large groups. The one exception was the founding of America, and that spread democracy to many nations in the world. We got free from England, and then our principles liberated England, so we are the beacon of liberty. We are the one bastion against thralldom, and they're out to reinstate Middle Ages, or whatever metaphor you want to use. The Empire. I think it's going to be the Chinese Empire.

Let's just look at the last 10 years and look at the mechanism so you can identify people. I've just done something, Joe, I want to send to you. I just finished it last night. It's a four-pager, where I summarize who these people are, from the book. It's based on the book. In 2010, that's 10 years before COVID-19, Bill Gates announced the Decade of the Vaccine, and who do you think was right with him as a partner in the declaration? Anthony Fauci.

Anthony Fauci, at that time was made – I think it was at that time, but certainly by 2010 — a partner through Bill Gates' very small vaccine committee, which is a group of globalists. The UN was involved in other global organizations, but there's Fauci and his NIAID, his National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, right there at the beginning. A very key – now, he's announcing that, and think about it. What happens? A decade later, we have COVID-19. Is that a coincidence? He was on a 10-year plan. I'm not saying it's all Bill Gates. Not even close to that. You can't have anything without huge cooperation.

Then in 2015, there's a big event for Gates and the predators who were looking forward to a pandemic. In 2015, it becomes assured they can make a pandemic, and they can play with making vaccines. Not effective. In fact, quite deadly, the vaccines. Very clear in the animal research, if you're a vulnerable animal, you die. So you get the vaccine and if that doesn't do you in, if you're exposed to the COVID afterward, then you get very sick and you die, 2015.

Ginger and I found this paper. Nobody was looking at it. It was a paper with funding from Fauci, and the paper was a collaborative study with the top two Chinese at the Wuhan Institute. The paper showed, in 2015, that cooperating together, the Chinese Communist, because all these
people who are that high up, if they're not Communists, they are under the Communist Party. They're under, not only the Communist Party, they're under the People's Liberation Party, the Army, the People's Liberation Army, because there's a fusion in China between the military and the civilian. It's called the Military-Civil Fusion. They all work together.

You can't be a scientist in China without being a scientist for the Communist Party. That's the nature of the totalitarian state. People don't realize that, but Fauci had to know. Fauci had to know he was funding a potential pandemic virus. In fact, in the last few days, it's come out from his emails that have been finally obtained through Freedom of Information by a few different groups, from Fauci's emails that he actually gave them instructions for how to combine, for going ahead and – not instructions, because he's not that smart, but for his goal of combining several SARS-CoV type viruses to make an actual SARS-CoV virus.

One thing folks don't know is there's never been a SARS-CoV virus found in nature, never. Never has there been one found in nature, but there are untold numbers of SARS-CoV viruses floating around labs. As for calling it a conspiracy theory, to think that the Chinese would have been making these viruses – excuse me. They actually had four leaks of SARS-CoV viruses back in 2003 and '04, so that's how long they've been working on this.

Here we have China and America making what are essentially biological weapons. The excuse being, "Hey, we're going to make vaccines." I wrote, and Ginger wrote in April of 2020, vaccines aren't going to work, and they know it because the coronavirus mutates all the time. If you make a vaccine for the Chinese virus, it's not going to last long because it'll just help force these mutations to come out. Because if you're suppressing one mutation of a virus, one formation of a virus, then the many others that are floating around, the mutations, one of them will take its place, usually a weaker virus, but that's going to spread more, just like our Delta virus is. It's the weaker virus, doesn't kill its host, but really gets spread more. Also, it has escaped the vaccine. I hope that's clear. It's pretty complicated stuff for a minute, but all this was predictable and we talked about it way back before the middle of 2020.

They knew all this. I knew it. I'd never even worked in the area of virology. I wrote my first article on vaccines, just by chance, a few months before COVID. I wrote about how the vaccines were not being properly studied by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and what the FDA was doing, but I never thought ahead to something like this. Bill Gates now knows in 2015 that a pandemic virus can be made and they're already in the labs of China and the U.S., who are collaborating, and he knows Fauci, who's been his key guy since at least 2010, is in the middle of all this, probably has a great deal of control over it, who will take orders from Bill.

Bill, in 2016 – one year later – creates a business plan, and I don't know how I found this one. I think it was God just pulling the strings on my fingers, but I pull out of Klaus Schwab's website,
Bill Gates' business plan for the world for the next pandemic. It's about 65 pages long. You can find it on my website now. Go to the Coronavirus Resource Center on Breggin.com and then look for the background materials for the book, and you will become one of the first people in the world, outside of the predators, to see the business plan that they made in 2016.

That business plan lays out everything that's happening to us now. In particular, it lays out that Bill Gates will be working with – it's not called Bill Gates. It's called CEPI, C-E-P-I, an organization that Bill Gates founds in 2017, but he's describing it in 2016, reports it in '17, that he has founded with Schwab, the man who will eventually announce the Great Reset in 2020, but who had been working on it his whole life.

You have Schwab, and you have a powerful organization that represents the drug companies working with him, a huge trust in Great Britain. They're getting together and in the earliest plan, it says the pharmaceutical industry will have no costs during the pandemic. Their costs, and even their indirect costs will be covered. Later, in another document I'll tell you about related to this document, they say that not only that, but Bill Gates' group, CEPI, will get some of the profits, of this huge profits as they expect that will be fed back to Bill Gates.

In 2016, '17, Bill Gates is organizing with, I'm going to name who in a minute, with whom, with these initial investor, these initial partners, describing how companies he's already investing in, personally and through his foundation, will be making a fortune. They will be guaranteed by the government or by foundations to have no out-of-pocket expenses and they will build platforms to put in place, the minute the pandemic occurs, that can rush through vaccines at warp speed. He doesn't say that, but basically, he describes that he's already working with the drug companies to build what will eventually be called Operation Warp Speed, and poor, deluded Trump. I love Donald Trump, in a way, deeply for what he's done for America First and liberty, but he got either duped or colluded. I think he just got duped. He couldn't believe he was being duped by everybody. Everybody was duping him and he couldn't believe it. He then thinks he's creating Operation Warp Speed, when he's implementing Bill Gates' original plan.

Then comes the year 2017, and in 2017, Gates and Fauci – I'm sorry. Gates and Schwab, at Schwab's annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, they announce this program. In the summer of 2017, and this was another amazing find that Ginger and I made, but I take proud ownership of these two finds. In July 2017, based on the original plan, CEPI, and that's Bill Gates. It's also Fauci. It's also Wellcome Trust and a few of the other powers, but it's basically Bill Gates, and the intellectual leader is Schwab, and Fauci's involved since he's been with Gates since the beginning. They make a big PowerPoint for the World Health Organization, and you'll find that in the same place on Breggin.com.

Go to the Coronavirus Resource Center. Go to the resources for the book, which is “COVID-19 and the Global Predators.” “COVID-19 and the Global Predators,” which by the way, you can buy now. The first copies have been shown to us on a video today, that the book is being printed. The first copies are sitting there. They're going out to the 13,000 people or plus who have already ordered in advance. You can buy the book in advance at a really inexpensive price in Canada and the U.S., U.S. and Canada. You can buy the book in Europe. You can sign up to get notified when you can get it. Just go to wearetheprey.com. Go to WeAreThePrey.com to get the book.

In 2017, in this PowerPoint, he repeats – you'll find these things, they're the only diagrams in the book. You'll find these slides in the book, but you'll also find the entire presentation on Breggin.com. I put them up yesterday, Joe. I wanted to get them up for you. In it, they repeat that the drug companies will have no losses. I think the actual words are, "No loss:" or something like that, and it describes this and how then CEPI will get the cream of the profits.

It says, basically that Bill Gates, he's mentioned by name, will be involved in the organization of the generation of the actual vaccines, and all the wealth working with various people and that the World Health Organization will take over all the rest. Imagine that. They have no powers like this, legally. They're not the rulers of the world. They're not the courts or the congresses of the world. They're making this up for themselves because they have so much power. Behind the World Health Organization is the UN. Behind the UN and the World Health Organization is Communist China's huge power, huge power. They announce that the World Health Organization will then take the scientific side of it and own that, and set the standard for medicine, for the vaccines, for all that stuff.

If you want to know, how does a Reign of Terror occur overnight? You organize vast businesses, you organize the government agencies, you organize all these people. You get a powerful leader like Bill Gates, because he has money everywhere. By the way, he funds World Health Organization, not just through the Bill and Melinda Gates. You'll find out in the book there's three foundations he funds that are giving money to the World Health Organization.

Now, if you look at 2017 and who is partnering with Bill Gates, 2016, '17, you look at the two documents that are on my website or you read the book, it's all in the book, who is working, in 2016 and '17, announced as partners with CEPI, with Bill Gates, with Klaus Schawb, with the drug companies? Well, you find out the drug companies are, but this is the part you're not going believe until you read it.

Partners include the FDA, CDC, even BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority), and that awful person named Bright, B-R-I-G-H-T, from BARDA. The big government agencies, NIH (National Institutes of Health) and NIAID are there. They're all there working with Bill Gates and CEPI in 2016, '17, and is planning meetings, and BARDA
remains on his planning board with Rick Bright. Now, who is Rick Bright? Rick Bright is the key man in the deep state who prevented Donald Trump from opening up the treatment of all of America and preventing probably 80 – well, studies show it would have prevented 87% of the deaths and – I'm sorry. 75% of the deaths and 87% of the hospitalizations. That's exactly accurate. I can't believe all this information is in this old brain. We've been working hard, Joe.

Rick Bright at BARDA, B-A-R-D-A, capital letters, was the key in all this, well, a point man in preventing you and I, and everybody else from having easy access to very effective treatments. Again, why? Because it was the Decade of Vaccine, that's all it was ever about. It was never about anything else. Finding a way to get rich and powerful.

Now, how close are Bill Gates and the World Health Organization? One of the things you'll see in the PowerPoint is a statement that CEPI has created a memorandum of understanding with the World Health Organization. Who is this? When I look at Bill Gates, I see a creepy 10-year-old in short pants acting like an adult and giggling while he does it. This is a bizarre man, a bizarre man. He, through his own created foundation, CEPI, C-E-P-I, has a memorandum of understanding, which is the next thing to an absolutely binding contract, with the World Health Organization. There's a goldmine of research here, because they spread these memorandums of understanding around to a lot of different groups.

You want to know, how does the Reign of Terror ... That's what I started with. How does the Reign of Terror get organized? I'm telling you, in the deepest way you've ever heard, power gets organized. So by the time they're through – oh, I have more fun for you. 2017, to show you that none of this is chance, Bill Gates announces, in announcing CEPI, that the two companies he's working with are Moderna and Pfizer. You'll get the quotes, you'll see it all in the book. Moderna and Pfizer.

What are they working on? Bill Gates says this in 2017 in obscure videos I found. He's making RNA, he doesn't say “m,” RNA and DNA vaccines, 2017. Fast-forward, 2020, what are the two vaccines? They're not even vaccines, they're making us into GMO people, but these so-called vaccines, what are the first two in America approved? Pfizer and Moderna, right on top of each other, and they are given, just as Gates demanded in his business plan, he calls it his preliminary business plan, which you can read, they get billions of dollars from the federal government, through BARDA, more through NIH, and then more through NIAID, and direct help because they're doing vaccine work to help these companies at NIH in their own labs. See the tie-ins, folks?

The money, he spreads money, Gates, he spreads money to a foundation that's a part of the CDC. He spreads money to the equivalent of our FDA in Great Britain. He spreads money to the South African monitoring agency. He spreads money to the only real watchdog international program
called Cochrane. My friend, Peter Gøtzsche, helped found it. Spreads money to them, so they fire Gøtzsche and instead of being watchdog agency, he turns the biggest monitoring agency, voluntary public monitoring agency, not under anybody's control, until Bill Gates. Turns them, it's called Cochrane, turns Cochrane into a pet of the vaccine manufacturers.

How much did it cost Bill Gates? Bill Gates has billions and billions. How much did it cost Bill Gates to get the founder, Peter Gøtzsche, fired and to turn them completely around to instead of reports, they're literally putting out what are like comic book, glossy things they call “science” but they're actually, got pictures of smiling people and vaccines? It cost him a lousy million bucks. That's how cheap some of these people go for in these organizations. No wonder he controls so much.

Continued to #2


