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The following script was adopted from Dr. Mercola's web site.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
And in my book, I have a chapter called “Euphemisms,” because, of course, top surgery is such an awful euphemism for what it really is, the removal, the unnecessary surgical removal of healthy breasts in a young woman who later on may continue in life to recognize that, “Yes, I do want to be a mother, and yes, I would have wanted very much to be able to nurse my child.”
And even aside from that, the many other sexual pleasures. And breasts are not simply a disposable sexual object. And we were talking a minute ago about sex education. Young women are never taught about the magnificent biology of nursing and of the nutrition, which is the gold standard nutrition for newborns, recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization), by pediatricians, by every organization. There is nothing better for a newborn than mother's milk. And when you really go in and study it, it's magical, the oxytocin and the mother's physiological response and the baby's physiological response to nursing is just miraculous.
Kids are learning that their environment is very delicate and precious and you can't take it for granted, and we have to be so careful with our natural resources. Well, what I tell parents is to explain to their kids that their bodies are a delicate ecosystem and they must take care of their bodies and not introduce foreign substances. Hormones, the levels of hormones that these kids are being given. I mean, boys are being given estrogen many, many times the level of the exposure of estrogen that a healthy boy would ever, ever have. And this has an effect on the body.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
It's called cancer.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Cancer is one of them.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
It's one of the primary ones. And I think the hormone reassignment issue is really much more serious for the males. Because the androgenic hormones are actually beneficial and they're antiestrogen and anticancer, typically. So, there's some protective element for the females, but the males getting this estrogen is just the kiss of death. You couldn't ask for anything worse. That is just awful.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Dr. Mercola, I just read yesterday, somebody sent me a report, a recent report of a 23- year-old woman taking testosterone who developed a clot in her brain that caused a complete paralysis, complete paralysis in her brain due to the testosterone.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
That's a side effect of estrogen typically, not the androgens. If you look it up, that's typically the side effects.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Well, no, but the testosterone causes – what's it called? You know, the increased red cell mass. It's escaping me. Erythrocytosis, erythrocytosis. Okay, and that has an effect on clotting.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Ah, okay.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
But you know what, without going into all the horrific details, I think that we could just say that these kids are being put on a terribly dangerous path of harm. No evidence of long-term benefit.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
It's the exact opposite, the polar opposite. So, what percentage of these kids have gone through gender reassignment surgery? Is it over 10%? I hope not, hopefully it's under.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Well, you see, we don't have – in this country, we don't have data like that because-
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
No one's keeping records?
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Oh my gosh.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Because you – listen, you go in to have your surgery and then they do whatever it is that you want, you leave and that's it. No one contacts you to see how you're doing a year later, five years later.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
But isn't that – you would think that there's got to be some central registry of these procedures.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Not in this country, no. We don't.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Well, what's your best guess based on other countries that do keep records?
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Well, okay, we have to separate out the surgeries. We have the mastectomies. I think that a lot of the girls are getting the mastectomies. I don't have a number for you.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Well, just best guess. I mean, round numbers, you know, percentage-wise. I don't need absolute numbers. Just percentages are really the key.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
I would say at least half.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
You really think it could be as high as 50%?
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
I want to explain something here to your audience. You see, these girls who are getting the double mastectomies, they're doing it after a few years of binding. Breast binding means that the girls get these elastic undergarments that are very, very tight and constricting, and they flatten the chest. And you can buy these anywhere. You can get them at Walmart, and there are schools that give them out. So, they wear these garments that flatten their breasts for hours and hours at a time, and they cause pain and shortness of breath and all sorts of problems. But beyond the day to day problems, you see, these binders harm breast tissue, which is not a surprise. You're going to be flattening your breast tissue for hours at a time, day in and day out, for years. And what happens is that the breast is damaged.
The breast in a girl who's worn a binder for a few years, your breast looks like the breast of an elderly woman who's had a lot of kids. It loses its elasticity. It loses its volume. It's been flattened and it's misshapen. So that can further the dysphoria, the feeling of discomfort with their bodies. And that can encourage them to just go, “Well, my breasts are already messed up. I might as well have them removed.”
When I said 50%, I'm referring to the girls who are very aggressively moving forward, appearing as much as they can as a male. There are a lot of girls that just superficially – they might cut their hair, use a different name, use different pronouns, and they're just sort of putting their toe into the water. And then they come out of it, they can decide later on that they don't need to do this. So I'm talking about – and maybe, look I'm doing this 24/6, and I'm online 24/6, and I'm talking to families and I'm talking to kids and I'm on social media, so I'm seeing tons and tons and tons of examples-
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
So, you might have a distorted perspective?
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah, because that is just unbelievable. I mean, it would be hard to believe it’s over 10% would have double mastectomies. My head would be spinning with that number, but 50% is just, that's just almost impossible to comprehend.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Well, let me – well, Dr. Mercola, you know, there's a website called GoFundMe. So, when I was writing my book, I haven't checked recently, but when I was writing my book and I'm working on the chapter on the double mastectomies, on the GoFundMe site, there were girls, young women, girls raising money to be able to have their top surgeries, their mastectomies. And at the time, which would have been maybe six months ago, there were 47,000 girls raising money to have breast surgery, 47,000.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah, I don't know what the population size is for – I would imagine being tens of millions would be the population. So that'd be well under 1%.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
It's a big number and there's no question I'm not dismissing that, but I'm just thinking of the percentages of the population that are impacted by this.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Well, again, I was referring to the girls who are very intent seriously on identifying as men and who are aggressively pursuing these medical interventions. That's what I'm talking about.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Okay, so in that population is 50%. That I could accept because that's a relatively small percentage.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Oh, that's what I meant, yeah.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah, yeah, so that's a whole different perspective. So sorry, we went down the rabbit hole the wrong way, but nevertheless, it was a useful discussion. The point is to turn the ship around. And if the numbers were that high, I would think it would be too late. They've won essentially, essentially almost have to capitulate and go into a remnant society because there's no way you can topple that.
But if, in fact, it is as much smaller as it appears to be, then we need to be aggressive about stopping this and having these kids' lives ruined, especially if they do the full genital reassignment surgery. Because a large significant percentage of those kids are going to commit suicide. There's no question. Once they wake up and get older and wiser.
So, it sounds like the effort needs to be directed towards the educational system. And I suspect virtually every public school system in the United States is impacted by this and teaching this nonsense. So, it would appear that one of the most fundamental basic strategies that you could recommend would be to get your kids out of those school systems, whether it's homeschooled or private education, because they're just going to be indoctrinated with not only this gender nonsense, but all the other propaganda that the government is seeking to bring up with.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Well, certainly, certainly. And it's not only in sex education.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Because gender issues have been framed as a civil right, now every teacher can introduce it in their class, into English literature, social studies, civics, and history and any class. And there are activist teachers. Parents have to be aware that while I certainly would like to think that every teacher out there is wonderful and has the child's well-being foremost in their mind, we have to live in reality and understand that there are activist teachers and there are activist social workers and guidance counselors who are out there to influence your child, and they will go as far as to keep it a secret from the family. If the child requests to make some sort of identity change at school and the child says that, “I don't want my parents to know about this right now,” the school will keep it a secret from the parents, which is another outrageous element in all of this because it's a parent's right to know such a thing. So yes, if you can remove your child from not only public school, but there are also private schools that push this ideology, and to reach your child first, and to be educated about what all of this means.
I only have an hour with you now, Dr. Mercola. My book is over 300 pages. So, parents, it's really essential for you to know as much as you can. I've given you – I put my heart and soul into writing this book because I have seen too much.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
And this, the book you're referring to is the “Trans Nation” book, the second one?
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Yes, the “Trans Nation” book. I have seen too much. I have seen people, marriages and families destroyed and individuals destroyed from this ideology. And that is why I wrote this book. It was not an easy book to write. It's not an easy book to read, but we have to live in reality and know what's going on. You see, the parents that contact me, they all tell me the same thing. They say, “We were blindsided. We never imagined that this could happen. We weren't prepared for it.” And so, I want parents to be prepared.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yes, indeed. They need the information, for sure. There's no question, you need to be educated about this important topic. So, what do you advise or recommend aside from – it sounds like you agree with they just need to be yanked from the public school system. But I know I was searching for a bit, there was a point I wanted to counter with respect to these activists, teachers and social workers. I don't think that these are – I mean, clearly their intent and actions are something that needs to be assiduously avoided.
But I think they're well-intentioned. I think they're just as effectively brainwashed and propagandized and indoctrinated as they're seeking to do with the kids. And I'm convinced they firmly believe they're doing the best they can for these kids and that's why they're doing it. It's not like they have some agenda and they're sociopaths. They really believe they're helping these kids.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Okay, I would agree to a limited extent. You see, their professional organizations, the National Educational Association, the professional organizations of social workers and school counselors and guidance counselors and principals, they have all bought into the narrative. So, they are obligated to follow those instructions, those policies. And the policies call for keeping the parents in the dark if the child says that's what they want. And there are – I tell the story in my book, this story is in my book, of teachers who have felt that it is the wrong thing to keep the parents in the dark about their child's gender identity at school. And they have shared the information with the parents and they've been fired. Okay, so that's happened as well. Now, I believe that you are right. They are, especially the younger ones, they have been indoctrinated. I have people writing to me who are school psychologists and teachers, and they say things like, “You know, I can't do this anymore. I'm leaving this field. I'm retiring, I simply can't do this anymore, it's wrong.”
Yeah, so parents need to be aware of that. And I provide in the book, I have an appendix that's written by attorneys who are specialists in child and parental rights when it comes to children, and they explain in the appendix exactly how to be proactive. So even if your child is entering kindergarten, you can go into school and you can, with a form that I provided – It's on my website actually. If people go to my website, which is MiriamGrossmanMD.com, when you land on there, there's a form you can download, and that form is putting the school on notice. And it's letting you know that you have your constitutionally based parental rights to direct the education of your child. And you're putting the school on notice that you don't want your child being taught gender ideology, and you do not give your permission for your child to be a part of any program or special assembly or club in which this ideology is being taught, and you certainly are not giving your permission for your child to be, you know, for a different name to be used, for your kid to use the opposite sex bathrooms.
I mean, you have to – Dr. Mercola, I want you to understand, in some cases, you have teenage girls or middle school girls that get permission from the administration of their school to use the boys' bathroom and the boys' changing rooms, and the parents don't know, and they're going into the boys’ bathrooms, and boys are coming into the girls’ bathrooms and changing rooms.
So, I have that information for parents. And I also have tons and tons of other information that families can use in order to protect themselves. Once your child is involved, it can be really tough to get them out because they are essentially brainwashed. And in addition to believing that they may be born in the wrong body, they have been brainwashed to believe that anyone who challenges them and anyone who won't use the new name and pronouns is a bad person. And your home, it might possibly be an unsafe home if your parents won't use your new name and you may need to live somewhere else.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Now with respect to informing the parents, I thought I read in the news recently that California legislators passed a bill to make that perfectly legal. And surprisingly, maybe even shockingly, Governor Newsom vetoed it. Is that correct?
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Yeah, he did.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
I mean, it's just astonishing. That's totally not what his position is. So, I'm sure there was some ulterior motivations going on [crosstalk 00:50:09]-
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Well, I think he wants to run for higher office.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Oh, so that might be it. But, I mean, it's absolutely predictable that California would pass this insane legislation, but what’s not predictable is that Newsom would veto it. It's like crazy.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Well, this legislation is coming up, of course, in other states as well. And this is the push to change our culture, change our society, to place a wedge between kids and their parents. And for the state to say that, “We know what's best for your child, not you. Mom and dad, you don't know what's best for your child. We know what's best for your child.”
It's a very dangerous situation. And I think it's important, just to mention before we finish, that other countries, very progressive countries such as Sweden, I think I mentioned a minute ago, but those progressive Scandinavian countries and the United Kingdom have all done a 180. And so, the U.S. and Canada are kind of outliers when it comes to this approach. And those other countries are saying what the kids need is psychotherapy. This is an emotional disorder. The kids [crosstalk 00:51:41]-
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Largely contributed to by their indoctrination.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Yeah, of course.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
So, the key is to combat that, get them out of the public school system or private school system if they're teaching the same nonsense, it seems to be the primary culprit. And to
have a deep, full appreciation that your kids are your responsibility, that if you value and cherish them, then you're going to put this as literally the highest priority and just look backwards three years to see what these same institutions have done with the COVID nonsense and all the millions of people that have been harmed and damaged as a result of the vaccine interventions. So, are there any other strategies that you would advise other than reading your book?
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Absolutely. Well, I would advise inoculating your children when they are still little against these beliefs so that when they-
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
What age and how would you direct your-
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Oh, very young. I think that you can say to a 2-year-old or a 3-year-old, you can say, “You're a boy, and that's just so great. You're always going to be a boy. You were always a boy from the very first moment of your creation. You were a boy.”
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
So, gender affirming, gender affirming.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Well, truly gender affirming, okay? Not the kind of affirming that-
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Biologically affirming.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Exactly, biologically affirming. Because, you know, the kids – this phrase, “sex assigned at birth,” which drives me crazy because it is so, so false. It is so outrageously untrue. Sex is not assigned at birth. Sex is established at conception and it is permanent. So, kids are being led to believe that sex being male or female is randomly – some doctor or nurse in the delivery room takes a look at you and makes this random decision that really isn't based on anything real.
No, you want to inoculate your child against that idea. You want to tell your child that you always were a boy or a girl, and you always will be. And that's a great thing. And also, there are many different ways of being a girl or a boy. There isn't one way. There are some girls that love makeup and all those stereotypically feminine kinds of things, the color pink and all that sort of thing. And there are other girls who never want to put on a
dress and they're into building things and sports. And that's great. And that's one kind of way of being a girl. So, from a very young age, we can tell kids that. That there isn't just one way of being a girl or a boy, because what the ideology is telling them is that if you don't fit into these stereotypes, these ridiculous stereotypes, well you know what? You may not actually be a girl. And so, you want your child to recognize that as not making any sense.
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Great. And then develop – I would imagine too, being part of a community, people that you know through work, your friends, your relatives or your religious affiliations, that you have like-minded people that could continue to reaffirm not only with the parents, but with the children. They have this nucleus that is pretty strong and solid and can resist this indoctrination because it's only going to get worse. It's only going to get worse.
Dr. Miriam Grossman
Well, yeah, it's ideal. It is ideal of course to have a community like you say, but I would also mention something else and that is the idea that there's no one way to be a boy or a girl has to be something that the parents also accept. So, if you have a boy that's not quite as masculine as you were hoping, and he's not into football and he doesn't want to sit there and watch football with you or go out and play ball, that the parents have to also accept that. That they may have a child who – a boy who's a bit more feminine or a girl that maybe is more what we would normally consider masculine. The parents have to also accept that. Because for the child to accept that in themselves, the parents have to also accept it.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Well, I would just caution too for the parents of boys who [are] thinking they're more female-oriented to be really sure that you're feeding them organic food because there's a lot of – and as pretty much chemical-free as possible because, I mentioned earlier, these chemicals, the multitude of chemicals that we're exposed to, so many of them are potent xenoestrogens and these have biological impacts.
And they could be contributing to that orientation, as I think it was prior to 2015. So, it's clearly not the primary variable at this point, but it is a variable. And you have some control over that. And even if it isn't, there's no harm done eating cleaner and avoiding toxic chemicals. It's just only going to improve your biology. It's not going to worsen it. There's no damage for doing that. So there's-
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Yeah. And another thing that kids can understand from a young age is that being male or female actually has an impact on every system of the body. It's not just a few anatomical differences between males and females. We know now, in this century, that being male or female has an impact on every system — on the brain, the cardiovascular system, the GI (gastrointestinal) system, the immune system, we have an entire specialty in medicine
called gender-specific medicine. And we are recognizing that diseases present differently in males and females. So, what that tells us is that [the] Y chromosome, which is in every cell with a nucleus, which is almost every cell, has an impact on the functioning of that cell.
So it's not just – what kids are being led to believe is that it's just a few anatomical differences, and that's it. Well, that is not the case at all. It's an inborn pervasive difference between male and female that's permanent.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
So many things to consider. So, do you have a website or social media presence that people can go to for more information?
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
I do. The website is MiriamGrossmanMD.com and there is a lot of stuff on there. My testimony at the House of Representatives, a lot of different interviews, my podcast with [Dr.] Jordan Peterson, in which I focused on the harm that's done to parents, the distress, the very significant impact that this has on parents who go through the trauma of their child identifying as something other than their bodies. It's a very deep impact. It's affected me deeply. And my Twitter or my X is @Miriam_Grossman. The two books that I'm recommending to parents are “Lost in Trans Nation,” which is focused only on the transgender issue, the history, where it came from, how it developed [and] how the medical organizations were taken over by, essentially, a crusade. This has been a crusade through our culture and through our institutions, our medical, educational, cultural and governmental institutions. It's been a crusade. It is a crusade. And we have to recognize that. And the other book, which is about sex education in general, is called “You're Teaching My Child What?” That book came out in 2009, but it is more true than ever.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:"
A classic, yes. So, well, I really appreciate your pioneering work here and helping thwart the efforts of the mainstream to sabotage the future health of our children, health and well-being, and even their lives, from implementing their ridiculous propaganda and indoctrination. So, we need pioneers like you, thought leaders and qualified professionals who have a perspective that's based in reality and biology and truth rather than some political agenda that's being pushed. We did not go down the rabbit hole of what their objectives are, because clearly, you can make a lot of speculations. In my mind, probably the single biggest one is eugenics, because this is an absolutely culturally and socially destroying agenda. They just want to obliterate the culture. I mean, what other justification could there be? So anyway, I don't want to go down there. But anyway, your efforts with leaders like you are desperately needed and I really want to extend my deep appreciation for your contributions in the field.
Dr. Miriam Grossman:
Thank you so much, Dr. Mercola. Thank you for having me and giving me so much time and allowing me to speak and giving me a voice. I appreciate it very much. And thank you for all that you do.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Oh, you're welcome.
「Dr. Miriam Grossman:And in my book, I have a・・」まで読んだです。