im·plore の語源は、
(American Heritage dictionary から引用)
History and Etymology for implore
Middle French or Latin; Middle French implorer, from Latin implorare, from in- + plorare to cry out ( Merriam-Websterから 引用 )
imploreは、weep ,cry out など、低くへりくだった感じですね。
おまけです。: imploまで検索すると、implodeが、出てきます。
implode /ɪmplóᴜd/
1(真空管・建物などが[を])内側に破裂[破壊]する[させる], 内破する(⇔explode); (組織・システムなどが[を])崩壊する[させる], 消滅する[させる].
implodeの語源は、[IN-2 + (EX)PLODE.]
(American Heritage dictionary から引用)
History and Etymology for implode
IN-entry 2class +-plode (as in explode) (Merriam-Websterから引用)
explodeの意味 - 小学館 プログレッシブ英和中辞
explode [動]
explore の語源
[Latin explōdere, to drive out by clapping : ex-, ex- + plaudere, to clap.]
(American Heritage dictionary から引用)
Did You Know?
Theatergoers in ancient Rome could be noisy in showing both their enjoyment and their dislike of a performance. One of the ways they made noise was by clapping their hands loudly. The Latin verb plaudere meant “to make a noise by loud clapping.” When Romans were showing their approval of a performance, the word used was applaudere, from which we get our English word applaud. When Romans did not like a performance, they often drove the performer from the stage by loud claps. The word for this was explodere or explaudere,from the prefix ex-, meaning “out, away,” and plaudere. From this word we get our English word explode. At first, explode meant “to drive from the stage by a noisy expression of dislike,” but this sense has all but disappeared. (Merriam-Webster から引用)
plodeは、手をたたいて、大きな音を出す→爆発する 感じですね。