


2020-04-12 14:41:02 | 日記
「 Our ultimate quest in life is to prepare to meet our Maker. We do this by striving daily to become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ. And we do that as we repent daily and receive His cleansing, healing, and strengthening power. Then we can feel enduring peace and joy, even during turbulent times. This is exactly why the Lord has implored us to stand in holy places and “be not moved.” 」
Opening Message
By President Russell M. Nelson
President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
(April 2020 general conference Saturday Morning Session  )より。
implore 動他 (正式)〈援助など〉を哀願する
im·plore  の語源は、
[Latin ōrāre style="'outline:">in-, toward; see IN-2 + ōrāre, to weep.]
(American Heritage dictionary から引用
History and Etymology for implore

Middle French or Latin; Middle French implorer, from Latin implorare, from in- + plorare to cry out

( Merriam-Websterから 引用 )
imploreは、weep ,cry  out など、低くへりくだった感じですね。
おまけです。: imploまで検索すると、implodeが、出てきます。
implode /ɪmplóᴜd/ 
1(真空管・建物などが[を])内側に破裂[破壊]する[させる], 内破する(⇔explode); (組織・システムなどが[を])崩壊する[させる], 消滅する[させる].


[IN-2 + (EX)PLODE.] 
American Heritage dictionary から引用
History and Etymology for implode

IN-entry 2class +-plode (as in explode)

explodeの意味 - 小学館 プログレッシブ英和中辞
    explode     [動]
  1. 1 自〈火薬などが〉爆発する;〈タンクなどが〉破裂する;他〈火薬・タンクなどを〉爆発させる
  2. 2 自〈人(の感情)・態度・事態などが〉爆発的に(…に)なる≪in,into≫;〈人が〉(…で)激高する,爆笑する≪in,with≫
    • an exploding situation
    • 激動の状況

    • He exploded with [in] laughter.
    • 彼は吹き出してしまった
  3. 2a 自〈数量などが〉(爆発的に)増大する
  4. 3 他〈習慣・迷信・学説などを〉打破[論破]する
  5. 4 《音声学》自破裂音として発音される;他…を破裂音に発音する
  6. 5 自《ゴルフ》(バンカーから)エクスプロージョンショットで打つ
語源 [原義は「拍手して舞台から追い出す」→「爆発的に拍手する」→「爆発する」] 
explore の語源
[Latin explōdere, to drive out by clapping : ex-, ex- + plaudere, to clap.] 
(American Heritage dictionary から引用)
Did You Know?

Theatergoers in ancient Rome could be noisy in showing both their enjoyment and their dislike of a performance. One of the ways they made noise was by clapping their hands loudly. The Latin verb plaudere meant “to make a noise by loud clapping.” When Romans were showing their approval of a performance, the word used was applaudere, from which we get our English word applaud. When Romans did not like a performance, they often drove the performer from the stage by loud claps. The word for this was explodere or explaudere,from the prefix ex-, meaning “out, away,” and plaudere. From this word we get our English word explode. At first, explode meant “to drive from the stage by a noisy expression of dislike,” but this sense has all but disappeared.

(Merriam-Webster から引用)
plodeは、手をたたいて、大きな音を出す→爆発する 感じですね。

