

カラス(?);二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Felania-Fimbria)

2018-06-10 05:01:28 | 日記




二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Felania-Fimbria)

Felania (f.) Récluz, 1851, 2: 69-71, type species (OD) Venus diaphana Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3292, ref. Adanson, 1757: 227, pl. 16, fig. 8, Recent, W. Africa; Diplodontidae. Le Félan (Adanson, 1757: 227, pl. 16, fig. 8). Adansonが用いた本種のセネガルの名前le Félanに因む;フタバシラガイ科

Le Félan Adanson, 1757, pl. 16, fig. 8.

Felaniella (f.) Dall, 1899b, 9: 244, type species (OD) Mysia (Felania) usta Gould, 1861, 8: 32, Hakodadi [-date] Bay, Hokkaido Pref., Japan; Diplodontidae. Felania Récluz, 1851, 2: 69-71; -ella, L. subst. suff., dim. 可愛いFelania;フタバシラガイ科ウソシジミガイ属

Mysia (Felania) usta Gould, 1861, holotype USNM 1649, SL 30 mm (after Johnson, 1961: pl. 26, fig. 6).

Felicia (f.) Mabille & Rochebrune, 1889, 6(2): H.115-H.116, type species (OD) Felicia jousseaumi Mabille & Rochebrune, 1889, 6(2): H.116, H.129, pl. 7, figs. 9a-b, Recent, Canal du Beagle, Cap Horn, S. America; Limopsidae [Although Newell, 1969, 1 (of 3): N267 places this genus in the Glycymerididae, the rough periostracum and the smooth inner ventral margin of the figs. 9a-b suggest to be a member of Limopsidae]. Dedicated to French malacologist Félix Pierre Jousseaume (1835-1921). フェリス P. ジュソウムに因む;シラスナガイ科

Felicia jousseaumi Mabille & Rochebrune, 1889, pl. 7, figs. 9a-b.

Filatovaella (f.) Merklin, 1959, Referat. Zhurn., Geol., (1959): 4671 (fide Petit & Boss, 1989, 5: 153), new name for Astartella Filatova, 1958, Trudy Okeanol. In-ta. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 23: 298 (fide Vokes, 1980: 121) [non Hall & Whitney, 1858, 1(2): 715 (Astartidae)]; Astartidae. Dedicated to Russian malacologist Zinaids A. Filatova (8 Oct. 1905-11 June 1984). ロシアの貝類学者Z.A. フィラトヴァに因む

Fimbria Megerle von Muehlfeld, 1811, 5: 52, type species (OD) Fimbria magna Megerle von Muehlfeld, 1811, 5: 52, ref. Venus fimbriata Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 687 and Chemnitz, 1784, 7: 52-54, pl. 43, figs. 448-449, Recent, Indo-Pacific; Fimbriidae. L. fimbria, ae, f., fiber, thread, fringe, shred (Brown, 1956). 繊維、糸、破片、縁取り(殻表の成長板脈が細かく縮れることから);カゴガイ科カゴガイ属

Chemnitz, 1784, pl. 43, figs. 448-449.