

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Fistulana-Flodacna)

2018-06-11 07:57:56 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Fistulana-Flodacna)

Fistulana (f.) Bruguière, 1789 in Bruguière et al., 1789-1832, 1: xii; Bruguière, 1792 in Bruguière et al., 1791-1827, pl. 167 [non Müller, 1776: 282 (Coel.), emendation pro Fistularia Müller, 1776: 254, non Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 312 (Pisces), nec Forskål, 1775: 121 (Vermes)], type species (SD Fleming, 1818) Gastrochaena mumia Spengler, 1783, 2: 179, pl. 1, figs. 3-6; see Eufistulana Eames, 1951, [B], 235(627): 445, Gastrochaenidae (fide Keen, 1969d, 2 (of 3): N699-N700; Vokes, 1980: 184). L. fistula, ae, f., pipe, tube (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976), tuyau (Chenu, 1847a: 34; 1847b: 114); -anus, L. adj. suff., indicates connection or possession by; noun base (Stearn, 1983). 棲管を持ったもの;ツクエガイ科

Gastrochaena mumia Spengler, 1783, pl. 1, figs. 3-6.

flabellatus L. flabello, -atus, fan (Brown, 1956). 団扇(うちわ) Example: Pectunculus flabellatus Tenison-Wood, 1878, 14(9): 61-62 (Tucetona).

Flavamussium (n.) Oyama, 1951, 1(13): 81, type species (OD) Amussium [err. pro Amusi-] caducum Smith, 1885, 13(35): 309-310, pl. 23, figs. 1, 1a-c, west of Luzon Island, Philippines; Pectinidae. L. flavus, adj. A, yellow (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976); Amusium [Röding, 1798], (2): 165.

Amusium caducum Smith, 1885, pl. 23, figs. 1, 1a-c.

Flodacna (f.) Iredale, 1937, 8(4): 238, 261, type species (OD) Tridacna squamosa Lamarck, 1819, 6: 106, ref. Chemnitz, 1784, 7: pl. 49, fig. 494 etc.,Recent, tropical Indo-W. Pacific; Tridacnidae. L. flos, oris, m., flower, the best, the finest (Marchant & Charles, 1952); dacna, from Tridacna. 最も素晴らしいシャコガイ類;シャコガイ科ヒレシャコガイ属

Chemnitz, 1784, pl. 49, fig. 494.