二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (I-Idioteredo)
-ianus, -a, -um L. adjectival ending added to proper names, including personal names, meaning belonging to (Asahina & Shimizu, 1931) 人名等固有名詞に付けられて、「に属する」という意味の形容詞を形成する接尾語
Iacra (f.) H. & A. Adams, 1856, 2: 409, type species (M) Scrobicularia seychellarum A. Adams, 1856, pt. 24, for 1856: 53; Semelidae. Etymology unknown. 語源不詳;アサジガイ科ヨセギザクラガイ属
Idas (m.) Jeffreys, 1876, [4], 18: 428 [non Mulsant, 1875, n.s., 22: 223, Aves, a nude name], type species (M) Idas argenteus Jeffreys, 1876, [4], 18: 428-429; Mytilidae. L. Idas, ae, m., name of man, one of the Argonauts, the " valorous " (see William Morris, 1867: The Life and Death of Jason) (Jeffreys, 1876, [4], 18: 428). イーダース(ギリシャ神話の長編叙事詩に登場する男の名)、イアーソーン率いるアルゴー船の乗組員の一人;イガイ科キザミバマユイガイ属
Idasola (f.) Iredale, 1915, 11: 340, unnecessary new name pro Idas Jeffreys, 1876, [4], 18: 428; Mytilidae. Idas Jeffrays, 1876; -olus, L. dim. suff., little (Brown, 1956). 可愛いキザミバマユイガイ属;イガイ科キザミバマユイガイ属(不必要な新名で無効)
-ideus N.L. from Gr. eidos, adj. suffix denoting similarity (Jaeger, 1959). 類似を表す新ラテン語の接尾語
Idioteredo Iwao Taki & Habe, 1945a, 14(1-4): 115, type species (OD) Teredo (Teredothyra) smithi Bartsch, 1927, Bull. 100, 2(5): 540, pl. 53, figs. 6-7, pl. 56, fig. 4, pl. 59, figs. 10-12; Teredinidae. Gr. idios, peculiar, separate, distinct (Liddell & Scott, 1949); Teredo Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 651. 特異なフナクイムシ属;フナクイムシ科グンバイフナクイムシ属
-ianus, -a, -um L. adjectival ending added to proper names, including personal names, meaning belonging to (Asahina & Shimizu, 1931) 人名等固有名詞に付けられて、「に属する」という意味の形容詞を形成する接尾語
Iacra (f.) H. & A. Adams, 1856, 2: 409, type species (M) Scrobicularia seychellarum A. Adams, 1856, pt. 24, for 1856: 53; Semelidae. Etymology unknown. 語源不詳;アサジガイ科ヨセギザクラガイ属
Idas (m.) Jeffreys, 1876, [4], 18: 428 [non Mulsant, 1875, n.s., 22: 223, Aves, a nude name], type species (M) Idas argenteus Jeffreys, 1876, [4], 18: 428-429; Mytilidae. L. Idas, ae, m., name of man, one of the Argonauts, the " valorous " (see William Morris, 1867: The Life and Death of Jason) (Jeffreys, 1876, [4], 18: 428). イーダース(ギリシャ神話の長編叙事詩に登場する男の名)、イアーソーン率いるアルゴー船の乗組員の一人;イガイ科キザミバマユイガイ属
Idasola (f.) Iredale, 1915, 11: 340, unnecessary new name pro Idas Jeffreys, 1876, [4], 18: 428; Mytilidae. Idas Jeffrays, 1876; -olus, L. dim. suff., little (Brown, 1956). 可愛いキザミバマユイガイ属;イガイ科キザミバマユイガイ属(不必要な新名で無効)
-ideus N.L. from Gr. eidos, adj. suffix denoting similarity (Jaeger, 1959). 類似を表す新ラテン語の接尾語
Idioteredo Iwao Taki & Habe, 1945a, 14(1-4): 115, type species (OD) Teredo (Teredothyra) smithi Bartsch, 1927, Bull. 100, 2(5): 540, pl. 53, figs. 6-7, pl. 56, fig. 4, pl. 59, figs. 10-12; Teredinidae. Gr. idios, peculiar, separate, distinct (Liddell & Scott, 1949); Teredo Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 651. 特異なフナクイムシ属;フナクイムシ科グンバイフナクイムシ属