

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Glochidium-Gnathodon)

2018-06-20 07:03:54 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Glochidium-Gnathodon)

Glochidium (n.) Rathke, 1797, 4(1): 166 [invalid*, Hemming, 1959, 20(28): 303-310, ICZN Opinion 561], type species (M) Glochidium parasiticum Rathke, 1797, 4(1): 166-167 [= Mytilus anatinus Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 706 (= Anodonta anatina (Linnaeus))],; Unionidae. Gr. glwxin [glochin] or glwxis [glochis], h,gen. inos, any projecting point (Liddell & Scott, 1953); Gr. –idion, dim. suff., noun base (Stearn1983). 小さな尖ったもの;イシガイ科(属としては無効、Anodonta Lamarck, 1799: 87の幼生の寄生に関する用語としては使用可, ICZN Opinion 561)
*The word Glochidium is to continue to be available for use as a technical designation to denote the parasitic larval stage of species of the genus Anodonta Lamarck, 1799 (Opinion 561: 305).

Glomus (n.) Jeffreys, 1876, [4], 18: 433, type species (M) Glomus nitens Jeffreys, 1876, [4], 18: 433, north-western coast of Ireland, 1180-1476 fms and North Sea, 557 fms., non J. Gistel, 1848: xi (Coleopt.); Sareptidae. L. glomus, meris, n., a ball of thread (Jeffreys, 1876, [4], 18: 433), a clew, ball made by winding (Lewis, 1915). 毛球(田中, 1966);ヒラソデガイ科トメソデガイ属

Glycimeris (f.) Lamarck, 1799, 1: 83, type species (T) Mya glycimeris Born, 1778, (1): 10-11, ref. Aldrov, 9: 473-474, Lister, 1770, pl. 414, fig. 258 and Gualtieri, 1742, pl. 9 [err. pro 90], fig. A; Hiatellidae. Gr. glukus [glycys], doux, sweet; meris, -idos, meros, partie, part, portion, share (Chenu, 1847a: 47; 1847b: 127; Brown, 1956), bitter (Woodward, 1868: 493). 美味しい部分(を持つ貝)、ほろ苦い(もの);キヌマトイガイ科ナミガイ属

Lister, 1770, pl. 414, fig. 258.

Gualtieri, 1742, pl. 90, fig. A.

Glycymeris (f.) da Costa, 1778: 168, type species (absol. T) Glycymeris orbicularis da Costa, 1778: 168-169, pl. 11, fig. 2 (= Arca glycymeris Linnaeus, 1758: 695; Tubbs, 1986, 43(3): 258); Glycymerididae. Gr.glukus [glycys], doux, sweet; meris, -idos, meros, partie (Chenu, 1847a: 47; 1847b: 127), bitter (Woodward, 1868: 493). 美味しい部分(を持つ貝)、ほろ苦い;タマキガイ科ホンタマキガイ属

Glycymeris orbicularis da Costa, 1778, pl. 11, fig. 2.

Gnathodon Gray MS in G. B. Sowerby I, 1832 in 1821-1834: [225] [non Oken, 1816, 3(2): xiv, 140 (Pisces); = Rangia Des Moulins, 1832a, 5(25): 50, pl. (no number), figs. 1-3], type species (M) Gnathodon cuneatus G. B. Sowerby I, 1832: [225], pl. 218 [pl. 40]; Mactridae. Gr. gnaqos [gnathos], h, the jaw, mouth, properly lower jaw (Liddell & Scott, 1953), a jaw-bone (Woodward, 1868: 478); odous[odous], odontos, o, a tooth (Woodward, 1868: 478; Liddell & Scott, 1953). あごの歯;バカガイ科(Gnathodon Oken, 1816の新参ホモニムで無効、Rangia Des Moulins, 1832aの客観シノニム)

Gnathodon cuneatus G. B. Sowerby I, 1832, pl. 218 [pl. 40].

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Glaucomya-glaucus)

2018-06-19 10:40:28 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Glaucomya-glaucus)

Glaucomya (f.) Woodward, 1854, (2): 307, err. pro Glauconomya Bronn, 1838, 2: 807 (emend. pro Glauconome Gray, 1828: 6), type species (SD by Woodward, 1868: 477) Glaucomya sinensis [chinensis Gray in Woodward, 1868: 539, explication for pl. 20, fig. 18]. glaucos, sea-green; mya, from Gr. myax, muakos, o, shell-fish in Pliny (Woodward, 1868: 477; Tryon, 1884, 3: 183). 海緑色のMya(プリニウスが使った貝の1種の名前);ハナグモリガイ科ハナグモリガイ属

Glaucomya chinensis Gray sensu Woodward, 1868, pl. 20, fig. 18.

Glauconoma (f.) Chenu, 1847a: 43; 1847b: 123, err. pro Glauconome Gray, 1828: 6-7.

Glauconome (f.) Gray, 1828: 6 [non Glauconome Grafen von Münster in Goldfuss, 1829*, 1(2): 100 (Bryozoa)], type species (M) Glauconome chinensis Gray, 1828: 6-7, pl. 3, figs. 13, 13a (hinge); Glauconomidae. Glauconome, Gr. Glaukonomh, Nereidis filia, name of Nereid (Münster in Goldfuss, 1829, 1(2): 100; Jaeger, 1959). ギリシャ神話の海の精ネーレーイスの名前;ハナグモリガイ科ハナグモリガイ属 *Although some author say the date of publication is 1826, I follow the date (1829) of Sherborn, 1926, (11): 2723 and Neave, 1939, 2: 473 (uBio ZSL).

Glauconome chinensis Gray, 1828, pl. 3, fig. 13.

Glauconometta (f.) Iredale, 1936, 19(5): 281, type species (OD) Glauconometta plankta Iredale, 1936, 19(5): 281, pl. 20, fig. 16, Parramatta River, Sydney Harbour, New South Wales; Glauconomidae. Glauconome Gray, 1828: 6; -etta, NL., diminutive ending (Jaeger, 1959). 小型のハナグモリガイ属Glauconome;ハナグモリガイ科ハナグモリガイ属

Glauconometta plankta Iredale, 1936, pl. 20, fig. 16.

Glauconomya (f.) Bronn, 1838, 2: 807, no. 41, emendation of Glauconome Gray, 1828: 6, non Münster in Goldfuss, 1829, 1(2): 100 (Bryozoa); Glauconomidae. Glauconome, Gr. Glaukonomh, name of Nereid (Jaeger, 1959); mya, Gr. myax, muakox, o, shell-fish in Pliny (Tryon, 1884, 3: 183). 海の精グラウコノメーの二枚貝;ハナグモリガイ科ハナグモリガイ属

glaucus L. adj. A, from Gr. glaukos [glaucus], h, on, vert, pale-green, bluish-green, gray (Chenu, 1847a: 43; 1847b: 123; Liddell & Scott, 1953). 青灰色の、薄緑色の、鉛色の

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (ger-Glaucometta)

2018-06-18 10:03:53 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (ger-Glaucometta)

-ger In L. comp., adj. A, carrying, bearing (Stearns, 1983). 含んだ、持った、帯びた

Gervillia (f.) Defrance, 1820, 18: 502-503, type species (M) Gervillia solenoidea Defrance, 1820, 18: 503; Bakevelliidae. Dedicated to Mr. Gerville, a French naturalist (Chenu, 1847a: 97; 1847b: 173; Woodward, 1868: 418).

Gibbosula (f.) Simpson, 1900b, 22(1205): 804, type species (OD) Mya crassa Wood, 1815, Gen. Conch., p. 106, pls. 20-21; Unionidae; F. Haas, 1969b: N439 says Gibbosula Simpson, 1900b is an objective junior synonym of Lamprotula Simpson, 1900b, 22(1205): 796-797. L. gibbosus, adj. A, = gibber, hump-backed (Marchant & Charles, 1952); -ulus, dim. suff., adjectival base (Stearn, 1983). 小さな、せむしの背のようなコブを持ったもの;イシガイ科ガマノセガイ属Lamprotula Simpson, 1900の主観新参シノニム

Glans (f.) Megerle von Muehlfeld, 1811, 5(1): 68, type species (SD Herrmannsen, 1847, 1: 476) Cardita trapezia Müller sensu Herrmannsen, 1847 [= Chama trapezia Müller, 1776: 247, no. 2981; = Chama trapezia Linnaeus, 1767, ed. 12, 1(2): 1138, syntypes, 5 specimens, LSL box no. 138, Dance label image ref. P-Z 0010836; Carditidae. L. glans, f., an acorn, nut (田中, 1966). 団栗;トマヤガイ科ヒラセフミガイ属

Chama trapezia Linnaeus, 1767, 5 syntypes LSL (http://linnean-online.org/16943/).

Glaucometta (f.) Habe, 1977: 277, err. pro Glauconom-.

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Geloina-Gemma)

2018-06-17 07:20:13 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Geloina-Gemma)

Geloina (f.) Gray, 1842, Syn. Cont. Brit. Mus., ed. 44: 75 (fide Vokes, 1980: 163), type species (SD Gray, 1847, pt. 15, for 1847: 184) Cyrena zeylanica Lamarck, 1818, 5: 554 [err. pro 564], ref. Chemnitz, 1782, 6: 333, pl. 32, fig. 336, Lamarck, 1798 in Bruguière et al., 1791-1827, 3: pl. 302, figs. 4a-b and Venus coaxaxs [-ans] Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3278, ref. Chama Lutaria en Coaxans Rumphius, 1705: 138, pl. 42 [err. pro 43], fig. H? and Chemnitx, 1782, 6: 333, pl. 32, fig. 336; Corbiculidae. L. Gelo (= Gelon), King of Syracusae; -inus, L. suff. added to noun stems to form adjectives meaning belonging to, like (Stearn, 1983). シラクサの王ゲロのもの;シジミ科ヒルギシジミ属

Chemnitz, 1782, pl. 32, fig. 336.

Lamarck, 1798 in Bruguière et al., 1791-1827, pl. 302, figs. 4a-b.

Gelonia (err. pro –ina Gray, 1842) Meek, 1876, 9: 157, in synonyms of Cyrena Lamarck, 1818, 5: 551 [561] ; Xu, 1997: 195-196; Xu & Zhang, 2008: 221.

Gemma (f.) Deshayes, 1853, (1): 112-113, type species (T) Venus gemma Totten, 1834, 26(2): 367, pl. (not numbered), figs. 2a-d; Veneridae. L. gemma, ae, f., gem. 宝石;マルスダレガイ科

Venus gemma Totten, 1834, figs. 2a-d.

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Gari-Gastrochaena)

2018-06-16 08:13:06 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Gari-Gastrochaena)

Gari (f.) Schumacher, 1817: 44, 131, type species [by design. under ICZN Op. 910 (1970: 16)] Gari vulgaris Schumacher, 1817: 131, pl. 9, fig. 2 [= Tellina truncata Linnaeus, 1767, ed. 12, 1(2): 1118-1119, syntype LSL, 2 specimens in Box no. 44, Dance label image ref. P-Z 0010848]; Psammobiidae. (1) Vocab. barb. e Rumphio (Herrmannsen, 1847, 1: 461), (2) gari, varying (Wood & Hanley, 1856: 21). Rumphiusが使った貝の名前(Tellina gari Rumphius, 1705: 146, pl. 45, fig. D);シオサザナミガイ科シオサザナミガイ属

Gari vulgaris Schumacher, 1817, pl. 9, fig. 2.

Tellina gari Rumphius, 1705, pl. 45, fig. D.

Tellina truncata Linnaeus, 1767, syntype P-Z 0010848 (http://linnean-online.org/17272/).

gaster Gr. gaster], h, the paunch, belly (Liddell & Scott, 1953). 腹

Gastrana (f.) Schumacher, 1817: 44, 132, type species (SD Bucquoy, Dautzenberg and Dollfus, 1898, 2: 684) Gastrana donacina Schumacher, 1817: 132, pl. 9, fig. 3, ref. Tellina abildgaardiana Spengler, 1798, 4(2): 90-91 and Tellina guinaica (not binominal) Chemnitz, 1788, 10: 348, pl. 170, figs. 1651-1653 [= Tellina matadoa Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3282, ref. le Matadoa Adanson, 1757: 239-240 pl. 19, fig. 5]; Tellinidae. Gr. gaster; -anus, -anus, L. adj. suff., indicates connection or possession by; noun base (Stearn, 1983). 腹に関係するもの(?);ニッコウガイ科

Gastrana donacina Schumacher, 1817, pl. 9, fig. 3.

Chemnitz, 1788, pl. 170, figs. 1651-1653.

Gastrochaena (f.) Spengler, 1783, 2: 179, type species (SD Children, 1822, 14(27): 83) Gastrochaena cuneiformis Spengler, 1783, 2: 180, figs. 8-11; Gastrochaenidae. gaster, venter, ventral; chaena, je baille, gape (Children, 1822: 83; Chenu, 1847a: 38; 1847b: 118; Woodwarde, 1868: 501). 腹が大口を開ける;ツクエガイ科ツクエガイ属

Gastrochaena cuneiformis Spengler, 1783, figs. 8-11.