


2021-03-28 13:30:35 | 資料

 霧 (Fogs)

(lyrics translated in English)
Outside is shrouded in dark and fogs, 
and we're sleeping in a room.
No one knows that it is from what time, 
but everyone is already used to it.

No one notices even the power of own soul 
that is going to disappear little by little.
Even as for own ability,
no one does not try to be confident in it.

(What time do you intend to do that?) It's only now 
that the time you should open the door of this room is!

It's not late yet!
Like breaking through this fog… ,
break through a hesitancy,
come on!

Someone is whispering to each other
to forget the painful reality.
Every person is smiling lifelessly, 
forgetting to even light a cigarette.

No one makes an effort to live.
Even only a heart, no one will to have, but in vain, 
everyone wish vaguely that 
tomorrow will come naturally.

You should produce "tomorrow".
If you don't notice it now, the times will perish!

Now let's get started.
For you, you are the only one 
to be able to do it.
Let's try!

Only memories are drifting through the air around.
No one is in condition to distinguish between the past way and the present.
Though no one even looks out the window, 
it's in a state that everyone intend to figure everything out.

All of wrong condition is all because of this room!
Someone is screaming such that even though he won't leave the room, 
and won't break through the fog himself, 
without so much as trying to search his heart.

Don't talk about others.
Face yourself, more… more!

Come on, regain your own energy!
Show your own life, 
Now go!


外は 暗く 霧が閉ざし 
僕等は 部屋で 眠っている
何時からかは 知らないけど
その事に もう皆 慣れている

少しずつ 消えようとしてる 
魂の 力にさえ 気付かず
自分の 力さへ 



誰かが 囁き合っている 
辛い 現実を 忘れるために
みんな 虚ろな 笑顔で
煙草に 火を付ける事さえ 忘れ 

誰も 生きる 努力をしない
心を 持とうともしない ただ… 
明日は 当然 来るものだと
朧に 思っている….

今気付かなければ 時代が滅び去る

さあ 歩き始めよう

思い出ばかりが 宙を舞う
昔と今を 錯覚してる 

誰かが叫んでいる 部屋を出て 
霧を 突き破ろうとしない


さあ 力を取り戻せ


Explanation of "霧(Fogs)"(「霧(Fogs)」の説明)

 I have something to tell you in advance. I am hardly able to speak English. If English sentences do not make any sense, would you please translate the Japanese in parentheses into English? I really apologize to you for having to read my incomprehensible English sentences! (最初に断って於きたい事が有ります。私はほぼ、英語が話せません。意味不明な英文は()内の日本語を英訳して頂きたく存じます。私の出鱈目な英文に付き合わせて、本当に、御免なさい!)

 This song was made in 1977 when I was in high school. This is a Vocaloid song. This is an arrangement made using "domino", and made to be sung by "Hatsune Miku V4" using "Studio One 4".(この曲は、私が高校時代の、1977年に作ったものです。これはボカロ曲です。これは「domino」を用いて編曲したものを、「Studio One 4」を用いて、それを「初音ミクV4」に歌って貰う様に作成したものです。)

 The world is divided into those who actively improve their environment and those who justify their environment and who are there and do nothing. Alternatively, some of the latter may be willing to say only dissatisfaction with the environment in which they are placed, not just for one person's volume, but for about five. Of course, I don't think everyone can be divided into these two extremes. I think people form a spectrum between that two type. But isn't the former a minority and the latter an overwhelming majority? (世の中には、自分の置かれた環境を積極的に改善する人と、置かれた環境やそこにいる自分を正当化して、何もしない人に分かれます。或いは、後者の中には置かれた環境に対する不満だけは、1人前どころか5人前ぐらいは平気で口にする人がいるかもしれません。無論、全ての人を、この両極端に分けられるとは考えていません。この両者の間でスペクトラムを成していると思います。でも、前者は少数派で、後者は圧倒的な多数派ではないでしょうか?)
 I am aware that I am one of the latter. My behavior is conservative, even though I think I have to reform. Most of the people around me are the latter. Therefore, when I see the former, who is an active reformer, I unconsciously look down because of dazzling. (私は後者の一人だと自覚しています。改革しなきゃあと思っている割に、行動は保守的なんです。私の周りも、殆どが後者です。従って、積極的な改革者である前者を見ると、とても眩しくて、思わず下を向いてしまいます。)
 This song is that it urge everyone to become an active reformer of the status quo. So to speak, "crying for the moon!", might you say idiomatically. It's fun to imagine myself as such a reformer. Because that's the moment I became a hero in myself… . "Gross!, this guy is!", now did you think so? (この歌は、皆、積極的な現状の改革者になりましょうと言う歌です。言わば、無いものねだりですね!その様な改革者になった自分を想像するのは、楽しい。それは、自分が自分の中でヒーローになった瞬間だから…。あっ、「こいつ、キモッ!」って思いました?)

※ Please realize that my English ability is extremely poor, so in case questions and comments in English, it may be extremely slow to respond.(※ 尚、英文での質問やコメントに関しては、私の英語力では、対応が極めて遅くなるかもしれない事を、ご了承ください。)
※ Or, in that case, the possibility of giving up response is not low, either.(※ 或いは、対応を諦める可能性も、決して低くはありません。)
※ It would be very helpful if you could use Japanese.(日本語であれば、非常に助かります。)


