Explanation of "14.[Chojiro Confluence] covered in a snowy valley"((雪渓の長次郎出合)の説明) (この曲は、北アルプスにある、日本最大の大雪渓「剣沢大雪渓」の「長次郎谷」との「出合」の情景をイメージして、作りました。) This song was created with the image of the "confluence" between Japan's largest heavy snowy valley "Tsurugizawa Great Snowy Valley" and "Chojiro Valley", these are in the Japanese Northern Alps. (温暖化の影響で、剣沢大雪渓は、日本の夏季休暇の時期である8月の中頃には、私が登山を始めた1990年頃に比べると、半分ぐらいの規模になってしまいましたが、その「半分ぐらい」の位置には「真砂沢出合」と言う場所が有り、その少し上流部に、「長次郎出合」が有ります。) Due to the effects of global warming, Tsurugizawa Great snowy Valley was about half the size in mid-August, which is the time of summer vacation in Japan, compare with 1990s when I started climbing in Northern Alps and there is a place called "Masagozawa Confluence" at the half position of 1990's Tsurugizawa Great snowy Valley, and "Chojiro Confluence" is a little upstream of that. (剣沢の周りの谷は、真夏でも巨大な雪渓が有り、長次郎谷も、その一つです。) The valley around Tsurugizawa has a huge snowy valley even in the middle of summer, and Chojiro Valley is one of them. (ここは標高が2000mにも届かない場所ですが、周りの谷は雪渓だらけで、そこで冷やされた空気がここに集まるので、東京が35℃を越える様な日でも、日陰なら20℃に届かない、大変心地よい場所です。) This is a place where the altitude does not reach 6560ft., but the surrounding valleys are full of snowy valleys, and the chilled air gathers here, so even on days when Tokyo exceeds 95 °F, it will not reach 68 °F in the shade, so it's a very comfortable place. (先ほど述べた真砂沢には山小屋が有りますが、東京が熱帯夜でクーラー無しでは一睡も出来ない熱帯夜でも、この小屋では、分厚いスウェットスートを着て毛布を2枚羽織って、その上から分厚い冬用の掛布団を掛けて尚、寒くてなかなか眠れないと言う場所なのです。(東京の中心?の大手町が北緯35度41分なのに対し、真砂沢ロッジは北緯36度36分なので、緯度的にはあまり変わりません。富士山の山頂に匹敵するのではないかと思う程、涼しい場所で、標高も低いため、物凄く快適な場所なのです。)) There is a mountain hut in Masagosawa mentioned earlier, but even in a tropical night in Tokyo that you can't sleep without a cooler, in this hut, beause of chilly, maybe you are difficult to fall in sleep easily even if you wear a thick sweatshirt and two blankets, and a thick winter blanket from above. (Otemachi in the center of Tokyo is 35 degrees 41 minutes north latitude, while Masagosawa hut is 36 degrees 36 minutes north latitude, so the latitude does not change much. It is cool enough to think that it is comparable to the summit of Mt. Fuji. In summer, that place are so cool and low altitude, so it's a very comfortable place.) (ここで用語の説明をします。「出合」と言う言葉です。これは「沢」と「沢」、或いは「谷」と「谷」が合流する場所の事です。) I will explain the terms here. It is the word "Deai(出合)". This is the place where "mountain stream" and "mountain stream" or "valley" and "valley" meet. (私の無能力に限りに無く近い英語力では、「出合」を英語で何と言うか、いくら調べても、さっぱり分かりません。) With my English ability as close as possible of incompetence, no matter how much I research what I mean by "Deai(出合)" in English, I have no idea. (仕方ないので、「出合」を「confluence」と訳しました。) I couldn't help it, so I translated "Deai(出合)" as "confluence". (私の英語力では、ネイティブスピーカーには私が言いたい事がさっぱり伝わらない可能性が高いのです。よって「出合」に関しては、意味不明過ぎて、怒りを通り越して、私の文の解読自体を諦める方もおられるのではと思います。万難を排しまして、読み続ける忍耐を発揮して頂ければ幸いです。) With my English proficiency, it is likely that native speakers will not be able to convey what I mean at all. Therefore, with regard to "Deai(出合)", I think that some people may give up on deciphering my sentence because it is too unclear and goes beyond anger. We hope that you will eliminate all difficulties and demonstrate your patience to continue reading. (「長次郎出合」の話を続けます。) I will continue the story of "Chojiro Confluence". (私が初めて行った頃の剣沢大雪渓は、その下部から上部までを登ると、大体5~6時間掛かりました。) When I first went to Tsurugizawa Great Snowy Valley, it took about 5 to 6 hours to walk from the bottom to the top of the snowy valley. (「長次郎出合」は、上部も下部も果てが見えない剣沢大雪渓の中程に、長大な長次郎谷の大雪渓が合流する場所です。) "Chojiro Confluence" is a place where the long snow valley of Chojiro Snowy Valley joins in the middle of the Tsurugizawa Great Snowy Valley where neither the upper part nor the lower part can be seen. (果てしなく続く真っ白い大雪渓の周りを、緑に輝く美しい森が覆い、更に山の上の方は、大岩峰群が広がっている、美しい場所です。) The endless white snowy valley is surrounded by a beautiful forest that shines in green, and the upper state of the mountain is a beautiful place with large rocky peaks. (その峩々たる岩峰群は、岩登りをする人々のパラダイスの一つとなっています。) Those towering large rocky peaks are one of the paradises for rock climbers. (「長次郎出合」を吹き渡る風は涼やかで、満ち溢れる光の中で、時を忘れて立ち尽くしてしまう、爽快な場所なのです。真夏の日本にあっては、この場所自体が奇跡と言えるでしょう)) The wind that blows through "Chojiro Confluence" is a exhilarating place where you can forget the time and can't leave for a long time due to coolness that is full of brilliance. In midsummer Japan, this place itself is a miracle. (この曲は、そこの、何処までも透き通った、緑の光に満ち溢れた爽快さを表したつもりです。) What I wanted to express in this music was exhilarating of that place with full of green shine which is transparent everywhere. (曲作りが遅くて済みません。私のうつ状態の所為もあります.加えて母が癌に罹り、化学療法での入退院を繰り返し始めました。これも、曲作りが進まない一因です。) Sorry for too slowly music composing. It's also because of my depression. In addition, my mother got cancer and started to be hospitalized and discharged repeatedly with chemotherapy. This is also one of the reasons why composing music is not progressing. (精神が軟弱なやつだと笑って下さい。) Maybe you will mock me because of my weak spirit. (この曲も、イメージとは異なるので多々あります。でも、それを直していると、いつアップロード出来るか分かりません。従って、この辺りで諦めてアップロードする事にしました。) This song also still has a lot of different places than what I want to express. But if I fix it, I don't know when I can upload it. Therefore, I gave up now and decided to upload it. (尤も、この英文自体、誰にも理解できないかもしれません。なぜなら、私は英語が非常に苦手だからです。従いまして、ここまでの文章が、ネイティブスピーカーに理解で来る程度には、英語の様なものになっている事を願っています。) However, I am afraid that even this English sentence itself is not be able to be understood by anyone. Because I'm not very good at English.Therefore, I hope that the sentences so far are like English to the extent that they can be understood by native speakers.