明日 (Next Today)
(lyrics translated in English)
Flying butterflies don't know
that the period which they can fly in a graceful appearance
is not so long time,
but they must return to soil soon.
Flowers are swaying in the wind,
until petals fall
and those are struck by rain,
get hurt and withere.
Just because they can't reach to next "Today",
I can't do anything.
Inevitably they will disappear, so I don't mind for that.
That will… , that will not be helped.
Countless times, waves come hard and return calmly,
today… and tomorrow… .
Waves just repeat it endlessly,
and in vain those time is only passing by.
Where have all the hopes gone?
Those have gone to distant places
where are unrecognizable for me.
I can't find those anymore…
In front of me, oh,
what's going on?
I will also go with it,
even though I already recognize that it's empty ,whatever it is…
Teardrops catch the wind,
shine faintly,
fall on the ground and fade away
that no one is imperceptibly.
The pain which this little hand receive
is never even realized a little by anyone.
That is buried in time…
Anyone can't escape
the fate of passing away.
Nevertheless, I can't even halt,
as long as next "Today" comes…
as long as next "Today" comes…
as long as next "Today" comes…
それで それで いいさ
今日も 明日も
繰り返す それだけで
もう… 見えない…
何が僕の前を 噫
微かに… 光って
地面の上に落ちて いつか
誰でも いつかは
だけど それでも立ち止まれない
Explanation of "明日(Next Today)"(「明日(Next Today)」の説明)
I have something to tell you in advance. I am hardly able to speak English. If English sentences do not make any sense, would you please translate the Japanese in parentheses into English? I really apologize to you for having to read my incomprehensible English sentences! (最初に断って於きたい事が有ります。私はほぼ、英語が話せません。意味不明な英文は()内の日本語を英訳して頂きたく存じます。私の出鱈目な英文に付き合わせて、本当に、御免なさい!)
This song was made in 1976 when I was in high school. This is a Vocaloid song. This is an arrangement made using "domino", and made to be sung by "Hatsune Miku V4" using "Studio One 4".(この曲は、私が高校時代の、1976年に作ったものです。これはボカロ曲です。これは「domino」を用いて編曲したものを、「Studio One 4」を用いて、それを「初音ミクV4」に歌って貰う様に作成したものです。)
First of all, I would like to talk about why the title in English became like this. "明日[Ashita]" in Japanese is usually "tomorrow" in English. Generally speaking, the title should be "tomorrow" instead of "next today". Then, do you think why I did that? That's because there are contents in the lyrics that say "tomorrow come" and "reach to tomorrow". (先ず、この曲の英語での題名について話します。日本語の「明日」は、通常「tomorrow」です。普通に考えれば、題名は「next today」ではなく、「tomorrow」です。では、何故そうしなかったのか。それは、歌詞の中で「明日が来る」「明日に届く」と言った内容があるからです。)
Thinking in English, the moment a day comes, the day will be "today" instead of "tomorrow". Thinking in English, you reach to a day, the day will be "today" instead of "tomorrow". To wrap it up, "come" or "reach to" day is always "today". Come day is always "today" and you never reach to "tomorrow", forever. (英語で考えると、来た瞬間、それは「明日」ではなく「今日」になってしまいます。英語で考えると、届いた瞬間、それは「明日」ではなく「今日」になってしまいます。つまり、来たり、届いたりするのは常に「今日」です。明日が来たり、明日に届いたりする事は、永久にありません。)
So what is "tomorrow" in this song? I thought about it with my poor English ability and intelligence. As a result, I came to the conclusion that it was the "next today" seeing from today. I'm sure that native English speakers will think, "This guy is fool." Well, I would like to forgive you considering to my immaturity of English and low intelligence.(では、この歌の「明日」とは何なのか?乏しい英語力と知能で考えました。結果、それは今日から見て「次の今日」なのだと思い至りました。きっと、英語のネイティブスピーカーの方々は、「こいつ、馬鹿だな~」と思うに違いありません。まあ、私の英語の未熟さと知能の低さに免じて、許して頂きたく存じます。)
This song expresses "view of impermanence" and the emptiness that accompanies it. I can't take a philosophical view of impermanence like a Buddhist. For me, what is in impermanence is ephemeral, beautiful, sad and empty. I love that thing so much helplessly. "Impermanence", that is the fountain of gushing out my love. Everything in this world is in impermanence. Therefore, there are often times when I realize that I feel loving everything in the world.(この曲は無常観と、それに伴う虚しさを表したものです。私は仏教者の様に、無常を達観して見る事は出来ません。私にとって、無常の中にあるものは、儚く、美しく、悲しく、虚しいのです。私は、その事が愛おしくて仕方が無いのです。無常こそは、私の愛情の湧き出す泉の様なものです。この世の全てのものは、無常の中にあります。したがって、この世の全てのものを愛おしいと感じる時が、屡々あります。)
It is no exception to myself. In other words, that is I feel myself impermanence. Then, I feel that I am so cute. Well, am I a narcissist?(それは、自分自身に対しても、例外ではありません。つまり、自分自身に無常を感じると言う事です。すると、自分自身を、とても愛おしく思ってしまうのです。さて、私はナルシストでしょうか?)
※ I think but it's not what the 60-year-old man says… . (※ とても60歳の爺の言う言葉じゃないな…)
It's almost like a quiz(?), but life is beautiful because it's ephemeral. Everything goes ahead to its disappearance from the moment it is born . People are heading toward death straightly from the moment they are born, too. I never see a careless person who can say, "Every time, he only swing by many kind of place and he hasn't died yet. It is sure that he will forget to die because of detouring too much!" I feel that I may want to become such a kind of careless man… . No matter how painful or sad it may be, everything is beautiful because it will completely disappear someday! (殆どクイズの様?になってしまいましたが、人生は儚いからこそ美しい。あらゆる物は、生じた瞬間から消滅に向かって進むのです。人も、生まれた瞬間から死に向かってまっしぐらです。「寄り道ばかりしやがって、何時まで経っても死なねえな、こいつ!」と言える不注意な人間を、未だに知りません。そんな不注意な人になら、私も成りたい気もしますが…。どんなに辛く悲しい事が有っても、必ずいつか消滅してしまうからこそ、あらゆるものは美しい!)
※ Please realize that my English ability is extremely poor, so in case questions and comments in English, it may be extremely slow to respond.(※ 尚、英文での質問やコメントに関しては、私の英語力では、対応が極めて遅くなるかもしれない事を、ご了承ください。)
※ Or, in that case, the possibility of giving up response is not low, either.(※ 或いは、対応を諦める可能性も、決して低くはありません。)
※ It would be very helpful if you could use Japanese.(日本語であれば、非常に助かります。)