function RinkakuContrast(var bmp: TBitmap; factor: integer): Boolean; var w, h, x, y, i: integer; a: double; src: TBmpData8; d: array[0..255] of byte; begin result := false; if bmp.PixelFormat <> pf8bit then exit; if (factor > 80) or (factor < 0) then exit; w := bmp.Width; h := bmp.Height; a := (127.5 + factor * 1.8) / (127.5 * 127.5) ; for i := 0 to 255 do if i < 128 then d[i] := AdjustByte( -(i-127.5)*(i-127.5)*a + 127.5 - factor) else d[i] := AdjustByte((i-127.5)*(i-127.5)*a + 127.5 - factor); src := TBmpData8.Create(bmp); for y := 0 to h-1 do for x := 0 to w-1 do src[x,y]^ := d[ src[x,y]^]; src.Free; result := true; end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var bmp, tmp: TBitmap; begin bmp := LoadPng('C:\Home\ImgWork\RaceQueen.png'); if not Assigned(bmp) then exit; bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit; tmp := BmpClone(bmp); if Rinkaku(tmp, 25) and Contrast8(tmp, 105, 0.05) and AntiBlackOut(bmp, tmp, 55, 30, 0.5) and Kuwahara8Ex(tmp, 1, true) and Median8(tmp, 1) and SetTwoColorGrayScalePalette(tmp, RGB(44, 51, 0), RGB(255, 244, 238)) //and RinkakuContrast(tmp, 50) then begin Canvas.Draw(5, 35, tmp); Clipboard.Assign(tmp); end; bmp.Free; tmp.Free; end;