Living in Miyagi for almost 4 years, I`ve never experienced such a sudden drop in temperature for just a day. Last week, the weather was fine but suddenly the weather dropped. I lived in Iwadeyama for 2 years and I experienced a lot of snow during winter. I felt like I was living in Hokkaido because of the snowfall in Iwadeyama. This year winter, the weather is a bit weird. Usually, in Osaki, the snowfall starts in the second week of December. But not until last week, there was still no snowfall. I thought it was a fine and nice winter season for me this year.
All of a sudden Tuesday`s temperature dropped to -15`C (feels like at night). I didn`t also expect that there will be a snowfall. I woke up in the morning with a pile of snow in my backyard. I was a bit surprised because I constantly monitor my weather update on my smartphone and stated that it will be breezy for the whole day. That`s why I don`t depend anymore on my weather application. I just watched a news program on the internet and it is more reliable.

I watched the news last Wednesday morning and they said that there will be heavy snow across much of Japan and will have the most severe once in a decade cold snap of the season. Record cold temperatures were seen in parts of Japan, with snow falling on the Sea of Japan coast stretching from the country's north to west. Among concerns of further snowfall including in low-lying areas on the Pacific coast, blizzards, rough seas, and icy roads. That is now what happened to the severely affected parts of Japan. I hope that everyone is Ok.