I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.
Imagination is more important than konwledge.Knowledge is limited.Imagination encircles the world.
Albert Einstein(U.S.Swiss -Germanphysicist and awinner of the Nobel prizenin physics.1879-1955)
What we need to know about International understanding are konwing not only culture but also history, not only language but also religion. To growing internationalized society, we can't ignore other countries. Especially Japan has experienced time when the world richiest country once.
Now Japanese government is devoting billon doller to help developing countries every year, we have a duty to konw about around the countries.
Japan has no troops for the war, but there are many countries have troops to protect own domain each country in Asia.
To keep peace in the future, Japan should insist the importance of life, and peace. We should know more facts from other countries . Japan has neither fear to escape from bomb, nor war, but other countries have.
問題:「What sould be done in order to improve the English education in Japan?」
No one could required to be bilingual without hard work.If people want to be good at listening comprehention, and speaking in English ,
you must listen to English 17520 hours, and speak English 2190 hours.(どっちかYou require 17520 hours for listening comprehension, and also 2190 hours required for speaking.)
I suppose it's hard work, and people tend to hesitate to get started studing English. Maybe some people give up before to start.
What I have in mind is the necessity to be motivate children to study English.
I think we sould let them speak English freely at first term, and motivate them high. So we don't evaluate students in class for quite a while.Then we should evaluate them according to their motivation include personal evaluation themslves.
That's the way to motivate students to get enjoy English.
Imagination is more important than konwledge.Knowledge is limited.Imagination encircles the world.
Albert Einstein(U.S.Swiss -Germanphysicist and awinner of the Nobel prizenin physics.1879-1955)
What we need to know about International understanding are konwing not only culture but also history, not only language but also religion. To growing internationalized society, we can't ignore other countries. Especially Japan has experienced time when the world richiest country once.
Now Japanese government is devoting billon doller to help developing countries every year, we have a duty to konw about around the countries.
Japan has no troops for the war, but there are many countries have troops to protect own domain each country in Asia.
To keep peace in the future, Japan should insist the importance of life, and peace. We should know more facts from other countries . Japan has neither fear to escape from bomb, nor war, but other countries have.
問題:「What sould be done in order to improve the English education in Japan?」
No one could required to be bilingual without hard work.If people want to be good at listening comprehention, and speaking in English ,
you must listen to English 17520 hours, and speak English 2190 hours.(どっちかYou require 17520 hours for listening comprehension, and also 2190 hours required for speaking.)
I suppose it's hard work, and people tend to hesitate to get started studing English. Maybe some people give up before to start.
What I have in mind is the necessity to be motivate children to study English.
I think we sould let them speak English freely at first term, and motivate them high. So we don't evaluate students in class for quite a while.Then we should evaluate them according to their motivation include personal evaluation themslves.
That's the way to motivate students to get enjoy English.