Happy sprout / 幸福の芽 蓮みろく3


Two blades of grass

2023-01-29 01:33:00 | 日記






私はある時、Peter F. Druckerの思想に触れた時に「光を見つけた」と



有名な Beethoven Symphony  No.5 交響曲第5番「運命」




幸福の芽と言えば、Peter F. Drucker [ The Daily Drucker  3 January ]

Management is indispensable

Whoever makes two blades of grass grow  where only one grew before

deserves better of mankind than any speculative philosopher or

metaphysical system builder.







Management will remain a basic and dominant institution perhaps as long as Western civilization itself survies. For management is not only grounded in the nature of the modern industrial system and in the needs of modern business enterprise,to which an industrial system must entrust its productive resources,both human and material.Management also expresses the basic beliefs of modern Western society. It expresses the belief in the possibility of controlling man's  livelihood through the systematic organization of economic resources. It expresses the belief that economic change can be made into the most poweful engeine for human betterment and social justice-that,as Jonathan Swift first overstated it three hundred yeas ago,whoever makes two blades of grass grow where only one grew before deserves better of mankind than any speculative philosopher or metaphysical system builder.

   Management-which is the organ of society specifically charged with making resources productive,that is,with the responsibility for organized economic advance-therefore reflects the basic spirit of the modern age. It is,in fact, indispensable,an this explains why,once begotten,it grew so fast and with so little opposition.













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