

第131話 新年明けましておめでとうございます。2015

2015-01-02 23:24:07 | Messages


Meteora- Greece







2014年を振り返ってみると、いろいろなところに旅をすることができ、よい年となりました。3月には Paris&Loire valley、6月にはGreece、9月に トルコ、10月はヴェニス、そして11月にはモロッコ、と「何でも見てやろう熱」に火がついたという感じです。










間美栄子 2015年元旦

Do it anyway

2011-04-09 20:12:32 | Messages

Do it anyway

The Paradoxical Commandments

by Dr. Kent M. Keith

  1. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
    Love them anyway.
  2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
    Do good anyway.
  3. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies.
    Succeed anyway.
  4. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
    Do good anyway.
  5. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
    Be honest and frank anyway.
  6. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
    Think big anyway.
  7. People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
    Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
  8. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
    Build anyway.
  9. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
    Help people anyway.
  10. Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
    Give the world the best you have anyway.

The Foundation Stone Meditation

2011-03-20 23:19:17 | Messages

The Foundation Stone Meditation

by Rudolf  Steiner




Du lebest in den Gliedern,

Die dich durch die Raumeswelt

In das Geistesmeereswesen tragen:

Übe Geist-Erinnern

In Seelentiefen,

Wo in waltendem


Das eigne Ich

Im Gottes-Ich


Und du wirst wahrhaft leben

Im Menschen-Welten-Wesen.

Human Soul!

You live within the limbs,

Which bear you through the world of space

Into the Spirit-Ocean-Being:

Live remembering Spirit

In soul-depths,

Where in majestic sway

Of World-Creator-Being

Your own I

In God's I

Is begotten:

And you will live truly

In the Being of the Human World.

Denn es waltet der Vater-Geist der Höhen

In den Weltentiefen Sein-erzeugend:

Ihr Kräfte-Geister

Lasset aus den Höhen erklingen,

Was in den Tiefen das Echo findet;

Dieses spricht:

Aus dem Göttlichen weset die Menschheit.

Das hören die Geister in Ost, West, Nord, Süd:

Menschen mögen es hören.

For there reigns the Father-Spirit of Heights

In World-depths, creating life.

You Spirits of Force

Let from the heights resound

What in the depths an echo finds;

This speaks:

Of the Divine is Mankind born.

This hear the Spiritual Beings in East, West, North, South:

May human beings hear it!




Du lebest in dem Herzens-Lungen-Schlage,

Der dich durch den Zeitenrhythmus

In's eigne Seelenwesensfühlen leitet:

Übe Geist-Besinnen

Im Seelengleichgewichte,

Wo die wogenden


Das eigne Ich

Dem Welten-Ich


Und du wirst wahrhaft fühlen

Im Menschen-Seelen-Wirken.

Human Soul!

You live in the heart-lung throbbing,

Which guides you through the time-rhythm

Into the feeling of your own soul's being:

Live meditating on Spirit

In soul equanimity,

Where the surging

World-evolving acts

Your own I With cosmic I


And you will feel truly

In Human-Soul-Creating.

Denn es waltet der Christus-Wille im Umkreis

In den Weltenrhythmen Seelen-begnadend;

Ihr Lichtes-Geister

Lasset vom Osten befeuern,

Was durch den Westen sich formet;

Dieses spricht:

In dem Christus wird Leben der Tod.

Das hören die Geister in Ost, West, Nord, Süd:

Menschen mögen es hören.

For there reigns the Christ will in the earth-sphere

In Cosmic rhythm gracing souls.

You Light-Spirits

Let from the East ignite

What through the West takes form:

This speaks:

In the Christ, death becomes life.

This hear the Spiritual Beings in East, West, North, South:

May human beings hear it.




Du lebest im ruhenden Haupte,

Das dir aus Ewigkeitsgründen

Die Weltgedanken erschliesset:

Übe Geist-Erschauen

In Gedanken-Ruhe,

Wo die ew'gen Götterziele


Dem eignen Ich

Zu freiem Wollen


Und du wirst wahrhaft denken

In Menschen-Geistes-Gründen.

Human Soul!

You live in the reposing head

Which out of eternal springs

Unfolds for you Cosmic thoughts:

Live with Spirit-Vision

In thought's tranquillity,

Where the eternal goals of Gods



To your own I

For free willing;

And you will think truly

Out of founts of Human-Spirit.

Denn es walten des Geistes Weltgedanken

Im Weltenwesen Licht-erflehend;

Ihr Seelen-Geister

Lasset aus den Tiefen erbitten,

Was in den Höhen erhöret wird;

Dieses spricht:

In des Geistes Weltgedanken erwachet die Seele.

Das horen die Geister in Ost, West, Nord, Süd:

Menschen mögen es hören.

For there reign the Spirit-Cosmic-Thoughts

In the World-Being, Light imploring.

You Soul-Spirits

Let from the depths be prayed for

What from the heights is granted:

This speaks:

In the Spirit's Cosmic Thoughts

The soul awakens.

This hear the Spiritual Beings in East, West, North, South:

May human beings hear it.



In der Zeiten Wende

Trat das Welten-Geistes-Licht

In den irdischen Wesensstrom;


Hatte ausgewaltet;

Taghelles Licht

Erstrahlte in Menschenseelen;


Das erwärmet

Die armen Hirtenherzen;


Das erleuchtet

Die weisen Königshäupter.

At time's turning point

The Cosmic Spirit-Light entered

Into earthly life-stream.


Had ended reign.

Day-bright Light

Rayed within human souls.


Which warms

The simple shepherd-hearts,


Which enlightens

The wise heads of Kings.

Göttliches Licht,



Unsere Herzen,


Unsere Häupter, —

Dass gut werde,

Was wir

Aus Herzen gründen,

Was wir

Aus Häuptern

Zielvoll führen Wollen.

Godly Light



Our hearts


Our heads

That good may become

What we

From hearts found

What we

From heads

Direct with single will.


2009-08-04 00:32:01 | Messages



