

President Trump 's trade policy and the world economy

2018-08-25 15:41:59 | 経済
President Trump 's trade policy and the world economy

(Professor of international departments of Wayo Women's University,
Kageaki Yamashita)

The aim of President Trump 's economic policy is to protect the employment of American white workers and to suppress Chinese hegemony. Here, I will summarize the reason why President Trump 's trade policy on the former may be backfired as follows.

1. Will the aim of President Trump be realized?
① Retaliation tariff

Even if it is attempted to restore employment of workers in the United States due to high import tariffs in the United States, American exports are suppressed by retaliation tariffs in countries other than the United States, so that employment in the US decreases.

② Outflow of factory
If it becomes difficult for countries other than the United States to export to the United States due to high import tariffs in the United States, countries other than the US may move the factory to the United States as a countermeasure to that. President Trump is trying to increase employment in the United States by this.
However, in contrast to this, if countries other than the United States put up retaliatory tariffs on imports from the United States, companies in the United States could move their factories to countries other than the United States as a countermeasure.
After all, due to the import tariff of the United States and its retaliation tariff, factories flow into the United States, but factories may flow out from the US, so employment in the United States will not increase as much as President Trump intends.

③ Possibility to increase exports among countries other than the United States
When exports to the United States become difficult due to the high import tariffs of the United States, to compensate the export reduction.
Countries other than the United States may try to increase exports to each other among countries other than the United States due to free trade agreements (economic partnership agreements) in areas that do not include the United States.
TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement) and RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. Japan, China, Korea, India, Australia, New Zealand) and so on, and there is a possibility that more countries will participate and realize more trade liberalization.
Indeed, It is said that despite not being included in the countries of the Pacific Rim, the UK intends to participate in TPP..

④ (rate hike →) higher dollar → suppression of US exports
Although this is not a policy of President Trump, it is difficult to export from the US because the dollar's appreciation will increase with the interest rate rise by the central bank FRB of USA(★).
(Note★ As interest in the United States rises, people and companies in countries other than the US think that lending to the US can earn higher interest, and so they try to convert their home currency (eg. yen) to dollars and make a bank dollar deposit (it is nothing but to lend money to America). As a result, the dollar's worth will rise, that is, it will be the dollar's rise since the movement of wanting a dollar instead of the local currency is stronger.)

⑤ Decline in US exports to the US
It is said that most imported goods from China are from American companies.

⑥ Increase in the cost of purchasing raw materials and parts in American companies
American companies depend on importing many raw materials and parts. Many semiconductors also depend on imports. Due to the high tariffs in the United States, it is difficult for American companies to obtain good quality raw materials and parts.
Moreover, due to high import tariffs, the import price (including tariffs) will be higher, so the production cost of American companies will rise. From the above, the production and export of American companies are stagnant and the profit is reduced.

⑦ Rising inflation in the US
High import tariffs raise the import price of raw materials, parts, products, agricultural products imported by the US, so prices in the US will rise. The rise in prices will lower the living standard of American consumers.

⑧ Purchase of foreign products required by American consumers becomes difficult
It is difficult to obtain foreign products that American consumers want. For example, American consumers wanting to buy Japanese cars will find it difficult.

As a result of President Trump 's trade policy, there is a possibility that production, export and employment in the United States will decrease rather than increase, due to the above reasons ① to ⑥. Taking ③ into consideration, it is possible that only US exports will not increase. Also, due to the above reasons of ⑦ and ⑧,dissatisfaction of American consumers may increase.

2. Possibility of global economic deterioration
If trade decreases between the United States and other countries in the trade war that President Trump started, there is a possibility that the world economy will deteriorate by itself.
①Worsening economic conditions in emerging countries
That is not all. Emerging countries currencies like the Turkey are declining in value due to the US interest rate hike and president 's import restriction measures (→countries other than US will not be able to earn dollars by increasing exports). As a result, inflation is occurring in Turkey and other countries.
This is itself a deterioration of emerging economies, and further emerging economies will deteriorate if emerging economies tighten monetary policy to prevent this inflation and further raise the value of their own currency. Actually, Argentina's economy is like that.

②Possibility of European economic deterioration.

Also, as the value of the Turkish currency Lira decreases, the repayment burden of Turkey borrowed from European banks such as Spain will increase(★★), then Turkey will increase the possibility of being unable to return the dollar. If so, the bad debts of European banks will increase and the management of European banks will worsen.
(Note★★ For example, when the exchange rate is 1 lira = 2 dollars (0.5 liras = 1 dollar for both sides divided by 2), Turkish people and companies borrow 1 dollar and convert to lira to 0.5 lira. For example, when returning that dollar one year later, if the lira depreciation progresses and the exchange rate is 1 lira = 1 dollar, 1 lira is required to return 1 dollar. That is, substantially although you borrowed 0.5 lira, you will return 1 lira. In this sense repayment burden becomes heavy.)
Furthermore, if banking management deteriorates, European banks may be reluctant to lend so that they will narrow down lenders only to good quality companies with positive repayment not to lose any more losses. If that happens, the management of many European companies will deteriorate and the European economy will deteriorate★★★.
(Note★★★ This situation is similar to the Greek crisis in 2009. However, in Greece the Greek government was borrowing money from European banks, whereas in Turkey in most cases borrowers are private companies in Turkey and since the currency of Greece is Euro, the value of the Greek currency can not go down against the euro and the value of the euro will not drop against the dollar just by the deterioration of the Greek economy.)

③Possibility of global economic deterioration

As the economies of emerging countries and Europe deteriorate in this way, there is a possibility that the world exports to these countries decrease.
Then the world economy may decline and deteriorate. Naturally, the world economy also includes the American economy.

3. Conclusion
In the end, the trade war that President Trump commenced would not bring about the effect he would have intended to the United States.
Also, if the US economy deteriorates through deterioration of the world economy due to the decline in the currency value of emerging countries by rise in interest of the US in addition to President Trump 's trade war, there is a possibility that the increase in American employment will be hindered.
From the above, President Trump 's trade war is likely to be backfired, at least there is no effect that he intends.
When such a thing becomes clear, will Mr. Trump 's popularity maintain?
Last year I will write down what I wrote in Twitter.
The intention of hitting the opponent may end up hitting himself after all.

#worldeconomy #Trump #tradewar


2018-08-25 09:18:44 | 経済

















 それだけではない。アメリカの利上げとトランプ大統領の輸入制限措置(→ 他国は輸出を増やしてドルを稼ぐことができなくなる)により、トルコのような新興国の通貨の価値が下落している。この結果、トルコなどでインフレが起こっている。






#世界経済 #トランプ #貿易戦争 


2018-08-25 06:58:44 | 経済

「現在の世界経済」                               (和洋女子大学国際学科教授、山下景秋)

資金が米国へ流出→ 通貨価値↓→ 物価↑(東南アジアなど)→ 金融引き締め
→ 米国以外の経済↓の可能性。
→ 先進国銀行の不良債権↑→ 貸し渋り→ 先進国経済↓の可能性。

→ アメリカの金利↑(15年12月~)、またトルコの大統領が金融引き締めを嫌う→ 中央銀行に圧力→ 資金の流出→ リラ↓リラ安
●トルコは経常赤字国(→外貨準備高が少ない)、 米国がトルコからのアルミ・鉄鋼輸入にかける関税の引き上げ(→経常赤字↑)
→ 為替介入が難しい→ リラ安
外貨準備(返済原資となりうる)<対外債務(外貨準備の4倍)→ 債務返済滞りやすい。

リラ安→ (→輸入価格↑→)インフレ(→消費↓)、外貨建て債務の返済負担↑(→企業の破綻↑)、海外資金の流出(→トルコへの投資にブレーキ)、市民の外貨購入(→決済手段として外貨を使うようになると、金融政策の効果がなくなる)
外貨建て債務の返済負担↑→ トルコ向け債権の多い欧州銀行(最大はスペイン)の損失↑懸念→ 欧州銀行の不良債権↑→ 欧州銀行の貸し渋り→ 欧州経済↓
→ ユーロ売り→ ユーロ↓
リラ安、ユーロ安→ 円高→ 日本の輸出↓。またトルコショック→ 世界経済↓
→ 株価↓→ 消費↓→ 日本経済↓(←日本は金融緩和と財政支出の余地は限られている)

 インフレ圧力、返済能力に疑問→ アルゼンチンペソ下落→ 緊急利上げに追い込まれる→ 景気↓→ 債務の返済難しくなる。 トルコとアルゼンチンは、対外債務=GDPの4~5割)

中国企業が過去に発行したドル債の償還が相次ぐ、景気減速、(米国金利↑→)米中金利差↓→人民元↓→輸出↑、しかし資本流出の可能性→ さらに人民元↓
国内と外国に対しては過剰融資→ 返済困難の問題
政府はバブルを警戒→(地方政府や国有企業の)過剰債務の削減(銀行の融資先を精査するよう指導)→ (ネット金融の破綻→個人投資家の損↑→)消費・(低採算のインフラの資金調達↓→)投資の低迷

●経済低迷→ 低金利→ 借金↑→ バブル→ しかし返済不能
→ バブル崩壊→ 経済↓
●もし新興国が海外からドルやユーロで資金を借りる→ 貿易赤字の場合→通貨価値↓
→ 返済負担↑
●グローバル化、産業構造の転換→ (貧富の格差)→ (アメリカ)輸入制限、利上げ。
輸入制限→ 新興国の対米輸出↓(→貿易赤字↑)→ 新興国の通貨価値↓

#世界経済 #トルコ #中国


2018-08-25 06:41:51 | 大学


2018-08-23 06:46:45 | 大学