Tomorrow is another day #Peace on Earth #Save Okinawa


A note from Barbie and Papa Don

2015-02-18 16:18:12 | 日々雑感





Dear Kako,

What a delight to see the photos from Naoki's and Ayumi's wedding! She is certainly a lovely woman. We really hope they will be very happy together. Where will they live?The hotel was quite beautiful. It is so hard to imagine Naoki that old but it was 1981 when we saw him last as a baby.We know you and Noriyuki must be proud of him.
We also enjoyed all the photos of Venice. What a special trip that must have been.It looked like you got to see so many great sights and do so many things. We are happy for you..
Our week cruise in the Caribbean with Debbie was really nice. We did a lot of walking, saw some interesting shows and had great food. Debbie was a great help with driving to the Charlotte airport and looking after luggage. She is fun to be around, too.
We hope things are going well for you and all the family.We think of you often.
We send lots of love,
Barbie and Papa Don
