「英語の奥深さ」に触れた、言語学、英語学の気 を感じた週末
選手の皆さんが、We Are The Champions! を歌ってましたね。
英語を教えるということで、日々、英語に触れては居ますが、これから積極的に難しい英語にも挑戦しようと、家にある参考書類を引っ張り出している単純な私、まあ、それと共に、旧友の書いている素敵な英語も読まないともったいない、そんで、それを皆さんにもシェアしたい、ということで、再度、Kathy BradleyさんのサイトとCDをご紹介させてください。
↓ クリック ↓ ↓
Sandhill (Kathy Bradley)
(southern accent 南部なまりが優雅に感じます。)
Kako: I'm glad to find you on Facebook. I started a group for the Purple
Knights of '78 and I'm going to send you an invitation to join. There are
a number of our classmates who are already members and there have been a
couple of good discussions, though not much lately.
It is absolutely fine that you wrote about my column. I would love to read
your blog if, of course, I can find a website that can translate from
Though I have done a lot of research about Wesleyan traditions, I don't
think I ever came across anything that explained how purple and lavender were
chosen for the college colors. As for the class colors, I never found
anything about them either. At one time each of the classes also had a class
flower. It is possible that Tena Roberts, who was the librarian when we
were at Wesleyan, might know the answers to your questions. I can send you
her e-mail address or send her n e-mail myself, whichever you prefer.
Please don't apologize about asking questions. Any conversation about
Wesleyan is fun!
Hope you enjoy the PK group. I'm going to send the invitation right away.
Love, KAB
前の写真を引っ張りだしてきたら、 私の顔が映ってる
選手の皆さんが、We Are The Champions! を歌ってましたね。
英語を教えるということで、日々、英語に触れては居ますが、これから積極的に難しい英語にも挑戦しようと、家にある参考書類を引っ張り出している単純な私、まあ、それと共に、旧友の書いている素敵な英語も読まないともったいない、そんで、それを皆さんにもシェアしたい、ということで、再度、Kathy BradleyさんのサイトとCDをご紹介させてください。
↓ クリック ↓ ↓
Sandhill (Kathy Bradley)
(southern accent 南部なまりが優雅に感じます。)
Kako: I'm glad to find you on Facebook. I started a group for the Purple
Knights of '78 and I'm going to send you an invitation to join. There are
a number of our classmates who are already members and there have been a
couple of good discussions, though not much lately.
It is absolutely fine that you wrote about my column. I would love to read
your blog if, of course, I can find a website that can translate from
Though I have done a lot of research about Wesleyan traditions, I don't
think I ever came across anything that explained how purple and lavender were
chosen for the college colors. As for the class colors, I never found
anything about them either. At one time each of the classes also had a class
flower. It is possible that Tena Roberts, who was the librarian when we
were at Wesleyan, might know the answers to your questions. I can send you
her e-mail address or send her n e-mail myself, whichever you prefer.
Please don't apologize about asking questions. Any conversation about
Wesleyan is fun!
Hope you enjoy the PK group. I'm going to send the invitation right away.
Love, KAB
前の写真を引っ張りだしてきたら、 私の顔が映ってる