Tomorrow is another day #Peace on Earth #Save Okinawa


Penguins & Mama Mia & Deep River

2009-03-29 22:31:59 | 日々雑感
Dear Kako,
We are finally getting caught up after our great trip to South America and Antarctica. It was so beautiful and educational. We hope you are able to view our photos from the enclosed CD.・・・・・・
We really loved the penguins and were pleased we could get so close to them. They were so cute.

We were glad that you were able to hear the concert and to see "Mama Mia." We will be singing excerpts from that show during our community chorus concert. I also am looking forward to doing a solo of "Deep River" in a section of spirituals. The chorus has about 45 singers, and a small orchestra joins us. Some of the music is challenging, but we have a group of good singers who work hard in rehearsals.
