プロジェクト・マネジメントの要諦The Key to Project Management

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2017-04-02 | 日記
There are 8 management products defined as ‘Reports’. 1. End Project Report 2. End Stage Report 3. Exception Report 4. Highlight Report 5. Checkpoint Report 6. Issue Report 7. Lessons Report 8. Produc . . . 本文を読む


2017-04-02 | 日記
There are 12 baseline products in Prince2. 1. Business Case 2. Benefits Review Plan 3. Plan 4. PB (Project Brief) 5. PID (Project Initiation Documentation) 6. PPD (Project Product Description) 7. Prod . . . 本文を読む


2017-04-02 | 日記
Formal repositories of data managed by PM. Registers require approval by the Project Board for their format, composition and use. There are 3 types of registers in Prince2. Issue Register Risk Regist . . . 本文を読む


2017-04-02 | 日記
Informal records of data managed by PM. Logs do not need approval from the Project Board for their layout and presentation. There are 2 types of log in Prince2: Daily Log Lessons Log . . . 本文を読む