1. Customer-Centric Action
2. Create with the End in Mind
3. End-to-End Responsibility
4. Cross-Functional Autonomous Teams
5. Continuous Improvement
6. Automate Everything You Can
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A list of rules describing what criteria a user story should satisfy in order for the Development Team to accept it and initiate work.
A few examples may be:
1. The user story is on the backlog.
2. T . . . 本文を読む
Continuous Integration is the practice in a software engineering of merging all developer working copies to a shared mainframe several times a day.
CI usually refers to integrating, building and test . . . 本文を読む
Continuous Deployment is different to Continuous Delivery(CD) in that release is automatically pushed into production when all tests pass while in CD release is a human decision by pressing a release . . . 本文を読む
Continuous Delivery is about putting the release schedule in the hands of the business, NOT in the hands of IT.
Implementing CD means making sure your software is always production ready throughout i . . . 本文を読む