Cenozoic Carnivorous Creatures Contest
(Terrestrial and Amphibious)
Who's the mightiest in your eyes?
This time I've selected some of I think the mightiest and the most representative 'carnivorous creatures' of the Cenozoic (the era of mammals), regardless of differences in the body size, biological class or chlonology, in order to see simply who would deserve the most to be the Predator King. Only criteria for this fantasy tournament are that all animals must be of the Cenozoic and either terrestrial or amphibious.
'Ability stats'(0 to 15 grades) for each animal are being made out of my subjectivity, lacking any sort of scientific basis but only for entertainment(so is this entire series of Megafauna G.O.A.T tournaments).
Let us 'peacefully' simulate the outcomes of each battle and see who would climb all the way up to become the ultimate winner.
(in alphabetical order)
(competitor No.1)
Amphicyon ingens
'The largest Beardog species'
BM. 540 kg
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 7
Jaw dimensions 8
Bite force 7
Brute Strength 7
Damage inflicting power 6
Killing technique 6
Agility 8
Speed 7
Explosiveness 9
Grappling 7
Striking 9
Tackling 6
Leaping 10
Flexibility 7
Defense 6
Endurance 9
Aggressiveness 9
Toughness 8
Intelligence 11
(competitor No.2)
Andrewsarchus mongoliensis
'The largest carnivorous hoofed animal ever'
BM. 1t
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 10
Jaw dimensions 11
Bite force 11
Brute Strength 7
Damage inflicting power 7
Killing technique 3
Agility 6
Speed 8
Explosiveness 5
Grappling 0
Striking 1
Tackling 10
Leaping 6
Flexibility 3
Defense 6
Endurance 9
Aggressiveness 10
Toughness 8
Intelligence 5
(competitor No.3)
Arctotherium angustidens
'The largest bear species ever'
BM. 1.2t
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 10
Jaw dimensions 8
Bite force 8
Brute Strength 12
Damage inflicting power 9
Killing technique 6
Agility 4
Speed 5
Explosiveness 7
Grappling 10
Striking 12
Tackling 10
Leaping 2
Flexibility 6
Defense 9
Endurance 7
Aggressiveness 7
Toughness 10
Intelligence 11
(competitor No.4)
Barinasuchus arveloi
'The largest terrestrial crocodilian'
BM. 1.5t
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 10
Jaw dimensions 13
Bite force 13
Brute Strength 8
Damage inflicting power 10
Killing technique 3
Agility 4
Speed 3
Explosiveness 8
Grappling 2
Striking(tail) 11
Tackling 8
Leaping 2
Flexibility 9
Defense 10
Endurance 2
Aggressiveness 11
Toughness 8
Intelligence 6
(competitor No.5)
Brontornis burmeisteri
'The heaviest phorusrhacid terror bird'
BM. 400kg
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 6
Jaw dimensions 11
Bite force 3
Brute Strength 4
Damage inflicting power 10
Killing technique 8
Agility 10
Speed 10
Explosiveness 9
Grappling(talons) 7
Striking(beak) 12
Tackling 2
Leaping 5
Flexibility 9
Defense 1
Endurance 5
Aggressiveness 10
Toughness 2
Intelligence 9
(competitor No.6)
Daeodon shoshonensis
'The largest entelodont 'terminator pig' '
BM. 1.1t
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 10
Jaw dimensions 11
Bite force 12
Brute Strength 9
Damage inflicting power 7
Killing technique 3
Agility 6
Speed 8
Explosiveness 5
Grappling 0
Striking 1
Tackling 12
Leaping 5
Flexibility 3
Defense 6
Endurance 9
Aggressiveness 10
Toughness 10
Intelligence 5
(competitor No.7)
Kelenkan guillermoi
'The tallest phorusrhacid terror bird'
BM. 200 kg
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 4
Jaw dimensions 11
Bite force 3
Brute Strength 1
Damage inflicting power 9
Killing technique 8
Agility 10
Speed 11
Explosiveness 9
Grappling(talons) 7
Striking(beak) 11
Tackling 2
Leaping 5
Flexibility 9
Defense 1
Endurance 5
Aggressiveness 10
Toughness 2
Intelligence 9
(competitor No.8)
Megalania prisca
'The largest lizard species ever'
BM. 550 kg
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 7
Jaw dimensions 9
Bite force 5
Brute Strength 4
Damage inflicting power(+sliva) 8
Killing technique 3
Agility 5
Speed 3
Explosiveness 6
Grappling 1
Striking(tail) 6
Tackling 4
Leaping 0
Flexibility 9
Defense 5
Endurance 2
Aggressiveness 10
Toughness 6
Intelligence 4
(competitor No.9)
Megistotherium osteothlastes
'The largest creodont hyeaenodontid species'
BM. 1.1t
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 10
Jaw dimensions 10
Bite force 10
Brute Strength 8
Damage inflicting power 8
Killing technique 4
Agility 7
Speed 7
Explosiveness 6
Grappling 3
Striking 3
Tackling 9
Leaping 6
Flexibility 4
Defense 6
Endurance 6
Aggressiveness 10
Toughness 10
Intelligence 6
(competitor No.10)
Mirounga angustirostris
'The modern Southern Elephant Seal'
BM. 3t
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 15
Jaw dimensions 11
Bite force 8
Brute Strength 10
Damage inflicting power 5
Killing technique 1
Agility 0
Speed 0
Explosiveness 2
Grappling 0
Striking 1
Tackling 15
Leaping 0
Flexibility 8
Defense 6
Endurance 3
Aggressiveness 9
Toughness 14
Intelligence 10
(competitor No.11)
Panthera fossilis
'The interstadial giant Cave lion'
BM. 400 kg
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 6
Jaw dimensions 6
Bite force 6
Brute Strength 7
Damage inflicting power 8
Killing technique 10
Agility 12
Speed 9
Explosiveness 10
Grappling 7
Striking 8
Tackling 5
Leaping 14
Flexibility 9
Defense 5
Endurance 7
Aggressiveness 9
Toughness 8
Intelligence 11
(competitor No.12)
Pontolis magnus
'Extinct giant Walrus'
BM. 2.5t
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 14
Jaw dimensions 10
Bite force 3
Brute Strength 10
Damage inflicting power 9
Killing technique 3
Agility 0
Speed 0
Explosiveness 2
Grappling 0
Striking(tusks) 8
Tackling 14
Leaping 0
Flexibility 7
Defense 6
Endurance 3
Aggressiveness 9
Toughness 14
Intelligence 10
(competitor No.13)
Sarkastodon mongoliensis
'The largest creodont oxyaenid species'
BM. 750 kg
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 8
Jaw dimensions 9
Bite force 9
Brute Strength 8
Damage inflicting power 8
Killing technique 7
Agility 8
Speed 7
Explosiveness 7
Grappling 7
Striking 7
Tackling 8
Leaping 7
Flexibility 9
Defense 8
Endurance 5
Aggressiveness 8
Toughness 12
Intelligence 6
(competitor No.14)
Smilodon populator
'The largest saber toothed cat ever'
BM. 380 kg
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 6
Jaw dimensions 4
Bite force 3
Brute Strength 8
Damage inflicting power 11
Killing technique 15
Agility 9
Speed 8
Explosiveness 10
Grappling 9
Striking 8
Tackling 6
Leaping 8
Flexibility 8
Defense 5
Endurance 5
Aggressiveness 10
Toughness 7
Intelligence 8
(competitor No.15)
Titanoboa cerrejonensis
'The largest snake ever'
BM. 1.1t
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 10
Jaw dimensions (normal)2 (unhinged)15
Bite force 1
Brute Strength 5
Damage inflicting power 9
Killing technique 12
Agility 0
Speed 1
Explosiveness 7
Grappling(constriction) 15
Striking 9
Tackling 0
Leaping 0
Flexibility 15
Defense 4
Endurance 2
Aggressiveness 5
Toughness 3
Intelligence 3
(competitor No.16)
Ursus ingressus
'Heavier variant of the Cave bear'
BM. 600 kg
-Ability Stats(*not scientifically based at all)-
Body mass 8
Jaw dimensions 7
Bite force 7
Brute Strength 10
Damage inflicting power 8
Killing technique 5
Agility 5
Speed 5
Explosiveness 5
Grappling 13
Striking 10
Tackling 8
Leaping 2
Flexibility 6
Defense 10
Endurance 8
Aggressiveness 5
Toughness 12
Intelligence 12
:Honorabale mention:
Agriotherium africanus
BM. 550 kg (Ursidae)
Amphimachairodus horribilis
BM. 400 kg (Felidae)
Dinocrocuta gigantea
BM. 300 kg (Percrocutidae / Hyaenidae)
Epicyon haydeni
BM. 90 kg (Canidae)
Megalictis ferox
BM. 80 kg (Mustelidae)
Simbakubwa kutokaafrika
BM. 750 kg (Hyaenodontidae)
Thylacoleo carnifex
BM. 120 kg (Thylacoleonidae)
Ursus arctos middendorffi
BM. 450 kg (Ursidae)
side A
< Battle 1>
Megistotherium osteothlastes vs. Brontornis burmeisteri
< Battle 2>
Titanoboa cerejonensis vs. Arctotherium angustdens
< Battle 3>
Kelenkan guillermoi vs. Mirounga angustirostris
< Battle 4>
Smilodon populator vs. Amphicyon ingens
side B
< Battle 5>
Megalania prisca vs. Panthera fossilis
<Battle 6>
Pontolis magnus vs. Andrewsarchus mongoliensis
< Battle 7>
Sarkastodon mongoliensis vs. Ursus ingressus
< Battle 8>
Barinasuchus arveloi vs. Daeodon shoshonensis
< Quarter Final 1>
Winner of 1 vs. Winner of 2
< Quarter Final 2>
Winner of 3 vs. Winner of 4
< Quarter Final 3>
Winner of 5 vs. Winner of 6
< Quarter Final 4>
Winner of 7 vs. Winner of 8
< Semi Final 1>
Winner of Q.F.1 vs. Winner of Q.F.2
< Semi Final 2>
Winner of Q.F.3 vs. Winner of Q.F.4
< Final>
コンテンツ by ©the Saber Panther