

Raincoat and a rose Lyrics

2010年07月08日 | Chris Rea


Raincoat and a rose

            Chris Rea

Tears of joy,
Tears of pain.

Is this really me standing here at the station?

The card said I mustn't be late,
I've never been late,
I've never really had the chance,
Years and years,
And not even wanted a second dance...

Look for a Raincoat and a Rose!

Well, I hope no one sees,
They'll laugh I know,
He was always like that!
Yes, it always showed!
Did I do something wrong to have to pay in many more ways than one?
Rainy day? What do I say? How simple it's all become!

Love is for fools, and fools have no grace,
Damn them while you can!
Out here on the Fens..., It's such a lonely place!
I wish I was foolish now,
The greatest of pain is never really knowing,
Maybe, today, I'll find out this way; the way that I'm going...

Look for a Raincoat and a Rose!




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