


2006-03-18 01:22:28 | オーストラリア
Finally I studied today. But I found it was a bit late to start studying this time. I have 2 assignments whose due are next week, and one of them is really troublesome. It is named "annotated bibliography". I have to read four book chaps or journals(there are some conditions to choose these resources. even selecting the resoeces was hard for me) and summarise one each, criticise and compare with other readings...
I havent even read yet. Im araid of next week's me.

anyway, today's King Ma**'s lecture was enlightening as usual. he talked about history, politics, medicine, a bit of economics...we(king + miki + me) were in the dining hall for 3 hours..But it wasnt waste of time i guess. ilearned a lot like "the tactics in the ancient times in Rome". haha useless

I think i gotta go to bed so that i wont miss the hot breakkie!