

lack of sleep

2006-03-24 01:01:11 | オーストラリア
As you know(?), today i managed to hand in an assignment. That was really hard for me though it was only 500 words annotation. Maybe it was harder than 2000 words essays i had last sem.Im not satisfied with the final draft so much, but what's done is done.
I could hear birds chirping in this morning cos ive working on it all night. Can I join GIRI GIRI girls, yu** chan??
I wanna thank Mi** for proofreanding my crappy paper. is Friday, that working day, as well as my day off at Uni. As soon as I submitted the assignment,(had trouble with stapling it), I headed for the city to work. The shop was very busy as usual Friday. I was woozy becouse of lack of sleep. But worked hard. Now Im home, i really feel tired but breezy in some way. maybe because i dont have to be worried about assignment for a while(I hope).
whenever i got back to College on Fridays, i see somebody drinking. that's ok though.

Oh, this Wednesday, one of my favourite pair of sandals was broken. Ive put those sandals almost everyday since i came here in Australia. It looks very old though ive used it only for 8 or 9 months. I really have an attachment for them...but time has come. I took a picture of them to say goodbye. overdone??