


2006-10-28 01:01:07 | 日常
As some people might know, the title is the name of a small shop(grocery) where i frequently go.

This shop became one of my favourites after coming to live here. the reason why i like this shop is not only because it is very close to my apartment, but it is `locally-friendly' shop. I often hear customers and the cashier talking each other friendlily. and off course, cheap.

This evening(around 9 i reckon), i went there to buy some milk for tomorrow's breakfast. As usual, though i went there only for milk, i bought some other stuff which were at a sale prices....

and when i was about to go home, OJISAN from the shop called me to come close to him, and put something in my shopping bag. he said "keep it, OJYO-CHAN(young lady)". It was KAKINOTANE, a small pack of...what is it called??? sort of junk food..
Then i came home, feeling a bit happy.

Right after coming back to Japan from Australia, i thought Japan has such a cold and unfriendly society, but now i think it is not always true. i should try to look at the good side of everything i see!!!

Anyway, i will keep going to Tsu〇amoto.
